catastrophe bonds News

Hedge Fund Fermat Says Returns Took a Hit Amid Catastrophe Bond Selloff

Fermat Capital Management, one of the world’s biggest investors in catastrophe bonds, says anxiety about this year’s hurricane season has already left a meaningful dent on returns. “Returns in May were low and even negative for a lot of funds,” …

Beryl-Battered Grenada Becomes 1st Country to Use Government Bond Hurricane Clause

Grenada has become the first country in the world to use a so-called hurricane clause in a government bond – a special feature that allows authorities to postpone debt payments in the wake of a major natural disaster. The move …

The Huge Profits Investors Have Made on Catastrophe Bonds Are Raising Eyebrows

A strategy that’s delivered specialist investors huge returns is now facing scrutiny, amid concerns that its risk-reward dynamics might be skewed against some issuers. Catastrophe bonds, which are issued by insurers, reinsurers and governments seeking an extra layer of disaster …

Catastrophe Bond Issuance Is Set to Blast Through 2023 Record

Issuance of catastrophe bonds is on track to exceed the record set in 2023, as a cocktail of climate change, population density and inflation feeds growth in a market built around natural disasters. A fresh analysis by Swiss Re shows …

Australian Pensions Industry Boosts Investments in Natural Catastrophe Reinsurance

The risks from the growing number of natural disasters offer Australia’s largest pension funds a chance to boost returns. Colonial First State, one of the nation’s biggest pension and wealth managers, is looking to add natural catastrophe reinsurance to its …

Hurricane Could Drain Florida Cat Fund’s Reserves. But That May Be OK, Report Says

A report from Moody’s Ratings service contends that one good hurricane this year could wipe out the Florida Cat Fund’s reserves, potentially forcing it to place a small surcharge on Florida insurance premiums to finance more debt. But that may …

Extreme Weather Sends Insured Losses 70% Above Historical Norms

Natural catastrophes caused about $62 billion of insured losses in the first half of 2024 — roughly 70% above the 10-year average — as extreme wildfires, droughts and floods upend historical norms. The data, which were compiled by Munich Re, …

World Bank Eyes First ‘Drought’ Bond in Next 12-18 Months

The World Bank is looking to issue its first drought bond in the next 12-18-months and broaden its offering of catastrophe bonds supporting countries suffering devastation from storms and earthquakes, a senior executive at the lender said. The drought bond …

Catastrophe Bondholders Sidestep Large Losses From Weather-Related Calamities

Last month, amid reports that Hurricane Beryl would become the earliest Category 5 hurricane in history, a group of money managers were busy trying to figure out whether their highly calibrated bets centered on natural catastrophes were about to take …

Catastrophe Bonds Dodge Losses After Beryl Hits Jamaica

Investors in bonds intended to help Jamaica cover the costs of a natural catastrophe won’t be affected by the havoc wrought by Hurricane Beryl, even as the prime minister declares the entire Caribbean island a disaster area. As the earliest …