Creighton University economist Ernie Goss News

Midwest Economic Report: Business Confidence Plummets

Business leaders in nine Midwest and Plains states have seen their confidence in the economy plummet in recent weeks, according to a monthly survey released Oct. 1 that reflected leaders’ lowest rate of confidence since the COVID-19 pandemic began last …

Survey: 9 Midwest, Plains States See Steady Economic Growth

The economy keeps operating at a healthy pace in nine Midwest and Plains states, but supply delays and shortages of workers are limiting growth in the region, according to a new monthly survey of business leaders. The overall economic index …

Some Rural Midwest Bankers Concerned About Drought’s Impact on Business

The economy continues to grow in rural parts of 10 Plains and Western states, according to a new monthly survey of bankers in the region, but some bankers in the region are worried that worsening drought could threaten their operations. …

Survey: 10 States See Strong Growth in Rural Areas

Strong growth continues across rural parts of 10 Plains and Western states and three states now have more jobs than they did before the coronavirus pandemic began, according to a monthly survey of bankers. The overall Rural Mainstreet economic index …

Midwest Economic Survey Index Soars to All-Time High

The economy in nine Midwest and Plains states is roaring back to life in the wake of a devastating global pandemic, according to a new monthly survey of business leaders and managers, with the survey’s overall index soaring to its …

Survey: Midwest Economy Grows, but Inflation, Shipping Worries Loom

The economy in nine Midwest and Plains states continues to improve to levels seen before the start of the coronavirus pandemic last year, according to a new monthly survey of business leaders, but concerns about rising inflation and bottlenecks in …

Survey Shows Gains in Rural Economy of Midwest, West States

The rural economy in parts of 10 Plains and Western states continues to grow, but rural bank CEOs say their biggest fears for the 2021 economy are excessive inflation and higher long-term interest rates, according to a new monthly survey …

Midwest Economy Improving but Businesses Less Optimistic, Survey Finds

The economy continues improving in nine Midwest and Plains states but business leaders are less optimistic after the latest surge in coronavirus cases in the region, according to a new monthly survey released on Jan. 4. The overall index for …

Despite Pandemic, Derecho, Midwest Economy Improves, Survey Finds

The rural economy in Middle America showed improvement in August, despite the effects of a global pandemic and a rare devastating windstorm earlier in the month, according to a monthly survey of nine Midwest and Plains states released on Sept. …

Midwest Business Leaders: Area’s Economy Improving with Reopening

Business leaders say the economy has begun to recover as businesses reopened in the past month in nine Midwest and Plains states, but it remains weaker than before the coronavirus outbreak began, according to a monthly survey released on July …