eastern Pacific hurricanes News

Pacific and Atlantic Hurricanes Norma and Tammy Hit Mexico and Barbuda

Hurricane Norma came ashore near the Pacific resort of Los Cabos at the southern tip of Mexico’s Baja California Peninsula on Saturday afternoon. Hours later, Hurricane Tammy made landfall on the Caribbean island of Barbuda. The storms were each Category …

Eastern Pacific Hurricane Season Starts Off Slowly

The eastern Pacific hurricane season is starting off with a whimper. While one short-lived tropical storm developed off Mexico’s Pacific coast last week, the earliest on record, computer models show another one isn’t likely soon, said Jeff Masters, co-founder of …

2014 Insured Cat Losses below Average at $35 Bn: Swiss Re Sigma Report

Swiss Re has just released its sigma report on catastrophe losses for 2014, which confirms that total global economic losses from natural catastrophes and man-made disasters were around $110 billion, compared to global insured losses of about $35 billion, which …