ignition locks News

Car Makers Offered Relaxed Regulation for Installing Ignition Lock Tied to Seat Belt Use

A U.S. regulator’s offer to relax auto safety rules for manufacturers that install technology to prevent drivers from starting a car unless seatbelts are fastened drew swift opposition from safety advocates. Cars featuring so-called seatbelt interlock devices would be given …

States Urged to Require Ignition Locks for Drunk Drivers

A federal safety board is recommending that all states require ignition interlock devices for convicted drunk drivers, including first-time offenders. The five-member National Transportation Safety Board said the devices are currently the best available solution to reducing drunk driving deaths, …

Alabama Law Requires Ignition Locks for Drunk Drivers

A new law in Alabama requires motorists convicted of drunken driving to install ignition interlocks on their vehicles, although police have questions about how that law will be enforced. The new requirement, which took effect Sept. 1, applies to convicted …