Indiana turkey flu News

Officials, Poultry Producers Hope Nationwide Testing Contains Indiana Bird Flu

In the two weeks since bird flu reappeared in Indiana, U.S. veterinarians have swabbed the mouths of chickens and turkeys across the country, racing to uncover any more infections and contain the virus before it causes mass death and damage …

Bird Flu Found in Indiana Turkey Flock

The U.S. government confirmed the presence of highly pathogenic H7N8 avian influenza in a commercial turkey flock in Indiana, the country’s first case since the end of last year’s outbreak that led to the destruction of 50 million animals. The …

Officials Hope Latest Midwest Bird Flu Contained by Rapid Response

A move to quickly quarantine and destroy Indiana turkey flocks infected with avian influenza may help prevent a repeat of last year’s outbreak that cost the industry $3.3 billion, according to officials. “We’ve not found any additional cases since Saturday,” …