motorcycle safety News

Kids More Likely to Be Hospitalized From Off-Road Motorcycles Than Quad-Bikes: Study

Motorcycles cause a far higher rate of injuries among children than quad bikes do, a study from UNSW Sydney and NeuRA has found, but quad bikes account for more serious individual injuries. In a retrospective population study carried out by …

Distracted Driving Laws Save Motorcyclists’ Lives, Research Finds

Laws to ban or curb drivers’ use of cell phones and other handheld devices have greatly reduced the rate of fatalities for motorcyclists. States with moderate to strong bans have motorcycle fatality rates that differ by as much as 11 …

Safety Board Seeks to Mandate Anti-Lock Brakes, Stability Controls on U.S. Motorcycles

A federal safety agency is recommending that all new motorcycles built for road use in the U.S. have anti-lock brakes and electronic stability control as standard equipment. The National Transportation Safety Board voted 5-0 on Tuesday to make the recommendations …

South Carolina, Mississippi Most Dangerous Southeast States for Motorcyclists

South Carolina is one of the Southeast’s most dangerous states for motorcyclists, but bikers put the blame on a range of problems from bad roads, inattentive motorists and inexperienced riders. The Post and Courier reports the state’s 2015 fatality rate …

How Self-Driving Cars Will Make Motorcycles Safer

Self-driving technology promises to pretty much transform the auto industry as we know it. It may also change the business of selling motorcycles—but in a very different way. It all comes down to safety, according to Karl Viktor Schaller, head …

Safety Agency to Investigate Complaints Over Harley-Davidson Motorcycle Brakes

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) said it would investigate some motorcycles made by Harley-Davidson Inc. after complaints of brake failure without warning. The investigation involves 430,000 Harley-Davidson motorcycles of model years 2008-2011, with anti-lock braking systems, the NHTSA …

Vermont Lt. Gov. Breaks Tie to Lighten No-Helmet Penalty for Bikers

Vermont Lt. Gov. Phil Scott, a Republican candidate for governor, has cast an unusual tie-breaking vote in favor of lightening the penalty for riding a motorcycle without a helmet. A bill on the Senate floor last Friday preserved the fine …

Maine Sees Most Motorcycle Deaths Since 1991

Maine ended the year 2015 with 32 motorcycle deaths, the most since 1991, and safety officials say there’s no single factor that seems to be behind the spike. Mild weather that extended the riding season through early December may have …

Rise in Bicycle-Related Fatalities Prompts Awareness Push in Vermont

Vermont transportation officials are set to launch an awareness campaign to make Vermont roads safer for bicyclists and motorcyclists. Vermont Public Radio reports officials are pushing the campaign because of an unusually large number of fatal crashes this year. One …

Indiana Now Requires Scooter Registration; Thousands Comply

Thousands of motor-driven cycles, the vast majority mopeds and scooters, have been registered with the Indiana Bureau of Motor Vehicles since a new law went into effect in January that placed more stringent requirements on riders of two-wheel vehicles. Until …