spying News

Cyber Surveillance Virus from Mideast Can Spy on Bank Transactions

A new cyber surveillance virus has been found in the Middle East that can spy on banking transactions and steal login information for social networking sites, email and instant messaging, according to a leading computer security firm, Kaspersky Lab. Dubbed …

Pennsylvania Lawsuit Accuses Rental Firm of Spying on Customers

A major furniture rental chain has software on its computers that lets it track the keystrokes, screenshots and even webcam images of customers while they use the devices at home, according to a lawsuit filed Tuesday. The lawsuit was filed …

Texas Insurer Alleges Vendetta by Florida Regulator McCarty

A Texas insurance company and its owner are suing Florida Insurance Commissioner Kevin McCarty, accusing him of being vindictive and defamatory in his efforts to ban the company from writing workers’ compensation insurance in his state. Charles David Wood and …