UN climate policy News

Group Warns Climate Regulations Could Disrupt Investment Strategies

Tighter government climate regulations by 2025 could wipe up to $2.3 trillion off the value of companies in industries ranging from fossil fuel producers to agriculture and car makers, an investor group warned in a report. Rules aimed at lowering …

Oil Industry’s $50 Billion in New Projects Conflict with Paris Climate Goals: Think Tank

Major oil companies have approved $50 billion of projects since last year that will not be economically viable if governments implement the Paris Agreement on climate change, think-tank Carbon Tracker said in a report published on Friday. The analysis found …

UN Report Finds World Climate Change Goal at Risk as Emissions Surge

A global goal for limiting climate change is slipping out of reach and governments may have to find ways to artificially suck greenhouse gases from the air if they fail to make deep cuts in rising emissions by 2030, a …