Articles by Don Jergler

Cannabis Sales Outlook Promising for Insuring Cannabis Specialists

A new report shows global legal cannabis spending grew to $36 billion in 2023, and more importantly, that languishing sales in longer-legal states may soon start to swing back up – two big, encouraging signs for insuring cannabis specialists. BDSA, …

Global Warming Exceeded Benchmark Over 12-Month Period for First Time on Record

Global warming exceeded temperatures of 1.5 degrees C over a 12-month period for the first time in record keeping. The European Union’s Copernicus Climate Change Service released its findings in its Global Climate Highlights 2023 report on Thursday, calling out …

Founder of AgencyPoint in California Says Many Agencies Put Accounting on Backburner

Many small- to mid-sized agencies aren’t putting much thought into accounting, relegating the important function to the backburner by opting to use local accountants, agency management systems that may not be sufficient, or even relatives to keep track of their …

Takeaways from Our Conversation on Selling Insurance to Cannabis Businesses in Newly Legal States

It’s a new year, and one thing we can look forward to is more new states bringing their cannabis markets online. For insurance professionals, new states offer the challenges of new regulations and new clients to explain the complex world …

Study: Manmade Warming Increasing Drought in Western U.S.

Manmade warming has increased the prevalence and severity of concurrent drought and heat events, also termed hot droughts, across Western North America in the 20th-21st century, a new report shows. The authors of the report developed the Western North American …

Activist Group Scorecard: Insurers Adopting Policies on Oil and Gas Slowed in 2023

The number of insurers adopting policies on oil and gas has slowed, according to climate activist organization Insure Our Future’s seventh annual “Scorecard on Insurance, Fossil Fuels and the Climate Emergency” released this week. The scorecard assesses the policies on …

World Meteorological Organization Says 2023 Will Easily Break Climate Records

With a few days left to go until next year, it can be said that 2023 has officially shattered climate records. A World Meteorological Organization provisional State of the Global Climate report confirmed that 2023 is set to be the …

Top West Insurance Journal Stories of 2023

Insurers pulling back from an increasingly risky California market grabbed the attention of Insurance Journal readers this year. This was the subject of the top four most popular stories in Insurance Journal’s West region in 2023. Eight articles on this …

Cannabis Insurance Specialists See Optimism in 2024 Data, Planning for Growth and More Capacity

From a broad view, data from the cannabis industry fails to paint an informative picture of what lies ahead for the business in 2024 or what the year holds for insurance professionals specializing in servicing the sector. Despite a prevailing …

NOAA: Arctic Summer Surface Air Warmest on Record

A report out this week from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration shows the Arctic summer surface air temperatures were the warmest on record, with some areas, including northern Alaska and Canada, 7.2 degrees Fahrenheit or more above the 1991-2020 …