Articles by Michael DeMarco

How Program Partners Can Help Agents Sell Value

There is a quote from Warren Buffet that I want to put on my wall and send to all my colleagues: “Price is what you pay. Value is what you get.” Agents, brokers and underwriters should heed Mr. Buffet’s advice. …

How Program Partners Can Help Agents Sell Value

There is a quote from Warren Buffet that I want to put on my wall and send to all my colleagues: “Price is what you pay. Value is what you get.” Agents, brokers and underwriters should heed Mr. Buffet’s advice. …

How Program Partners Can Help You Sell Value

There is a quote from Warren Buffet that I want to put on my wall and send to all my colleagues: “Price is what you pay. Value is what you get.” Agents, brokers and underwriters should heed Mr. Buffet’s advice …

How Program Partners Can Help You Sell Value

“Price is what you pay. Value is what you get.”—Warren Buffet Agents, brokers and underwriters should heed Mr. Buffet’s advice and consider how they’re doing business. I’ll bet if I asked agents whether they are selling price or value, most …

How Program Partners Can Help Agents Sell Value to Customers

There is a quote from Warren Buffet that I want to put on my wall and send to all my colleagues: “Price is what you pay. Value is what you get.” Agents, brokers and underwriters should heed Buffet’s advice and …

How Changes to Federal and State Law Impact Golf and Country Clubs

Changes to state and federal law over the past few years may prove to be no gimme for golf and country clubs. In fact, since many club owners and managers are unaware of the potential impact of these laws, a …