Best Practices Quality Management – Part I

By | June 1, 2011

  • June 10, 2011 at 5:58 am
    Natarajan says:
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    Good article. There are 2 aspects to Quality: Quality Assurance and Quality Control – pre-operations and post-operations. Pre-Ops or QA can and will happen if expectations in terms of work output is clearly stated; there is a responsbility on the part of Management to clearly articulate the “Whys” of the organization. The next thing is to give pointers to solutions rather than solutions themselves. Once an organization tackles the quality upfront then generally the amount of tailwinds that the organization faces at the end of an operations will be lesser.

    Thanks for the article and provoking my thoughts.

  • June 13, 2011 at 1:42 pm
    Pat Alexander says:
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    I am in total agreement with your comments. Over the past several months I have been covering the Whys & Hows of defining standards, procedures and workflows. I know it is tough in today’s busy world to find time to manage all of this, but it is much worse if the time is not made. Thanks for reading and commenting on my post.

  • November 28, 2013 at 4:40 am
    Justin Barnes says:
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    Nice article.The momentum of technology, coupled with client requests, is pushing organizations to convey ever-more smarter products.A risk driven improvement approach can help you adjust quality chance with opportunity to-market goals.

    A great approach can likewise underpin long haul profits that can’t be effectively quantified yet are key to victory, incorporating client fulfillment, reduced in-service costs, and a strong reputation and brand.

  • January 11, 2015 at 6:02 pm
    rachid says:
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    good article, I need the assist : my sir the English he want from me to prepare a subject in reasons of used a quality management program in insurance agency and i found this article is proportional with my subject but he asks to me this : ( try to find reasons why insurance company doesn’t accept to ensure frequent accidents and spare parts of cars that are frequently stolen.)
    i don’t know, that’s in world or just in my country ?
    i’am moroccan
    can you help me ??

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