Gen Yers looking for lucky number 29

By | February 28, 2011

  • March 11, 2011 at 9:43 am
    matt says:
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    Companies, particularly large ones, are perceived by “Gen Yers” as having absolutely no loyalty to their employees.

    It is reiterated time and again that employment is “at will.” You “greatest generation” managed to see pensions become a relic of history before we ever entered the work force in a meaningful way — gee, thanks for that.

    We see that the only way to get a meaningful raise is to move to a competitor.

    We see that people who change jobs and companies frequently A) make more money and B) hold higher positions.

    We see fiercely loyal employees of thirty years walked to the door by security with a lousy severance check. Over and over again.

    I am lucky to have found a company that does value its employees. But there’s still no pension, and I could still come into work tomorrow to discover that there is no work because the company was acquired.

    So that’s life. Live knowing that you’ll only have what you personally keep out of your check at retirement. Live knowing that tomorrow you could wake up with no job, no way to pay the mortgage, and no health insurance. Live knowing that, should you get sick, you might never get another job at all (nor health insurance). And get to read articles like this, written by the so-called “greatest generation” pointing the finger and reassigning the blame where it does not belong.

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