Jury Awards $2.7M In Calif. Mold Case

By | November 26, 2001

  • July 16, 2007 at 10:24 am
    Jefferson J. says:
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    Nice story the builder known as RW Hertel & Sons, Inc who has built all over California has built a massive MOLD Laced project called Rancho Obispo, in San Luis Obispo, CA Hertel was investigated byt the State CSLB and 51 of 53 homes were found to be defective and many had TOXIC MOLD which the builder tried to cover up….

  • February 5, 2011 at 3:03 pm
    Julie Andrews says:
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    Looks like mold victims may be starting to gain ground against mold. It’s too bad for people like me and our families who didn’t have the resources to sue our perpetrators who left us with water leak issues in their homes that we were forced to live in. Several years went by not even knowing what was making us sick. We moved to only find out that we were permanently damaged. My family and I suffer and worst of all there is very little medical help and every day presents a struggle with health issues that are unknown and really bizzare. Sadly, I fear that there won’t be published health reports to help people sticken with mold sickness until more people take action against their mold experience. Nobody would help us because we were told that; ” mold is subjective.” Meaning, our health issues may or may not be from mold. It is amazing how close the Mazza’s mold experience relates to our own personal expereince. I’m just glad that the Mazza got recognized for their flight. Now more people need to come forward so our world can fight mold and people who have been injured by mold can now receive proper medical care. In the mean time me and my family are left to suffer with no help at all medically or litigation. Sometimes I wonder how damaged my body is because I have many symptoms and nobody can help me.

    • May 27, 2015 at 8:57 pm
      Elizabeth says:
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      I agree Julie. But take faith, they’re are changes coming. I am suffering similar issues and the landlord where I’m living pretty much destroyed our health the last 15 months and knew about it for the last 10 years. Like you said if we don’t stand up and fight than it will keep happening. I’m fighting even though as you mentioned it’s all subjective. Searching for a doctor who can understand the weird things that mold does. I have no memory anymore, my kids have coughs and rhinitis and all kinds of stuff and I have a newborn in all this. Justice for all. Keep believing. Faith is true to the end.

      • December 24, 2020 at 11:19 pm
        James campbell says:
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        Get a “certified mold report” $ 400-500.00. Licensed mold inspector if it comes back with mold in your home file a lawsuit for breach of contract, and violation of the covenants of habitability. Ask for your landlords insurance policy to file a claim and make your claimed refuses sue HIM!!
        good luck. Get your evidence: mold report is KEY!!t, medical records follow, precise records as Proof!! God Bless

  • May 23, 2014 at 2:15 pm
    Maxwell Watson says:
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    My Workman’s Compensation hearing was laugh at when I mentioned a Mold doctor in Maryland.I didn’t win the case but I presently am appealing with request for different commissioner.It took two years to get my inflammation down.C Reactive Protein blood test was done to prove inflammation and I tested positive for ANA.Black mold spores got into my blood and attacked my muscles to where I had to take Advil just to be able to move.

  • December 29, 2016 at 4:55 pm
    Alanya Brown says:
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    HUD has me and my family sick from mold and raw sewer. My 3 year old son has it worst than all of us 773,000,000 of doctor bills. And still no help.

  • January 22, 2017 at 6:50 am
    Kc Wilson says:
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    I understand completely there’s a real problem that not only the States ignore but the federal gov ignores too. Science is key to prove your case medically speaking. Despite circumstances and health actual real medical issues doesn’t seem to get attention on real problems stemming from yeast fungus black mold problems.

    My partner dropped over dead after learning from a abatement company report that what we lived in could potentially be fatal.

    Well he’s dead. I’ve been compromised breathing issues facial ear eye sinuses and skin problems. I’m still in my case 7 years later still can’t Buyers my partner if a respectful way without a headstone. Disgraced by the responsibility of the defendants.

    I hope we see this matter come back with a positive outcome as the defensive insurance companies play down the reality that mold can kill and does.

    Kc Riley Wilson

  • June 16, 2017 at 2:06 am
    Christopher says:
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    Surprisingly good article. I’ve been doing maintenance for property management companies for over 20 years. Only recently though, have I seen large scale mold. Time and time again, it’s due to residents NOT ventilating their apartment homes. They close all windows and doors, run long and hot showers, boil water for cooking, etc. and then wonder why they have mold. We point out that the mold is in an area where there are no drain or supply lines and not at exterior walls. These snowflakes refuse to accept responsibility for they’re poor housekeeping habits, or the lack of any housekeeping. It’s very frustrating to spend $20,000+ for remediation, all because these people are simply slobs. I’ve only ever had 1 person attempt to sue and the judge tossed the case. We responded in a timely manner and followed all the proper steps during the mitigation process.

    • October 17, 2019 at 11:04 am
      Joe says:
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      I have seen some maintenance companie supposedly remediate and supposedly repair and not all are as diligent as you. Sewage overflows in commercial bathrooms and all they bring in is a space fan to dehumidify the area. Roof leaks like a seive in this same commercial building and maintenance put buckets on ladders. No slobs here except for the bucket patrol

  • February 22, 2018 at 2:43 pm
    Hisar Toni Moore says:
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    I too had a worker’s compensation case against the Cook County Housing Authority for Mold exposal. My office located in a senior building would flood each year. I became ill and could not work. My case was not proven by my attorney. I loss everything.

  • August 28, 2018 at 5:00 pm
    Paul Jacobs says:
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    The mold issue reminds me of the germ theory in medicine which the medical establishment was highly reluctant to accept. Doctors refused to accept the theory that something (germs) could be present on their hands, after working with cadavers (“[Semmelwiss] concluded that he and the medical students carried “cadaverous particles” on their hands[E] from the autopsy room to the patients they examined in the First Obstetrical Clinic. This explained why the student midwives in the Second Clinic, who were not engaged in autopsies and had no contact with corpses, saw a much lower mortality rate.
    The germ theory of disease had not yet been accepted in Vienna. “. Ignaz Semmelweis believed strongly that if Drs. washed their hands before seeing obstetrics patients, hospital-acquired disease and fatality rates would decline (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Etiology,_Concept_and_Prophylaxis_of_Childbed_Fever). He proves himself to be correct, to the angst of his colleagues. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ignaz_Semmelweis#Theory_of_cadaverous_poisoning. (“The result was the mortality rate in the First Clinic dropped 90%, and was then compared to that in the Second Clinic. The mortality rate in April 1847 was 18.3%. After hand washing was instituted in mid-May, the rates in June were 2.2%, July 1.2%, August 1.9% and, for the first time since the introduction of anatomical orientation, the death rate was zero in two months in the year following this discovery.”. He was abandoned by his colleagues and ostracized as a lunatic. He eventually was committed to an asylum where he was beaten by guards, thus acquiring a systemic infection (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pyaemia) that killed him 14 days later, at the age of 42. This year marks the 100th anniversary of his birth. Years later, a Dr, Louis Pasteur, confirmed Semmelweis’s findings and used hygienic methods, and Dr. Joseph Lister practiced using these hygienic methods, with great success. The practice of hygiene and the hand-washing protocol is standard practice to this day and Semmelweis’s theory has been proven correct. Today, You will not find many hospitals w/out a Purell or similar alcohol or another antiseptic dispenser on its floors.

  • March 6, 2020 at 1:05 am
    lisa A says:
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    https://www.neurores.org/index.php/neurores/article/view/443/435#R22..We have toxic molds here. Our ceiling in the bathroom gave in and all the dirty water came out and we saw molds and rotted woods inside and no insulation. We called mold specialist and he wrote report of high levels of molds here. I took lab for my body and I have high levels of mold in my body. Been living in this place for over 16 years and from beginning there were molds but we just cleaned it and kept coming back. Damage alot of our things and they fixed the bedroom wall but just 3 years ago the bathroom ceiling happened. We did not really think about he molds but after the specialist came by and told us that is when we started noticing. I have nerve damage, tingling on my feet and shotting stabbing pain, coughing and have to do inhaler and singular pills. eyes watery and itching all over alfl the time and kid have eczema and itching. Kaiser blow off mold and did test for diabetes and was negative, did test for M S and was negative and did nerve conduction test and showed nerve damage. Some thing is also wrong with my eyes. Cannot complain to the manager or else they will evict us out of here. We are in California. So anyone can help us let me know please.
    Thank you

    • December 24, 2020 at 11:12 pm
      James campbell says:
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      file a lawsuit! breach of contract, violation of the covenants of habitability, enclose your doctors records, mold reports. FILE A CLAIM AGAINST THE LAND LORD INSURANCE! ASAP

    • December 27, 2020 at 8:12 pm
      Rob says:
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      Hi Lisa,
      Not sure if you are still in the exposure. We have been through a similar situation. I have a doctor in Orange County, CA that may be able to help you. She is a mold and lyme expert and she accepts insurance.
      Feel free to reach, she saved ours and many other lives. Stay well- Rob robikehorn@gmail.com

      • July 9, 2021 at 2:17 am
        Cindy Muse says:
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        Can you Please pass the name and doctor’s number me our family was exposed to 3 different toxic molds out spour count was high I am afraid for my family! We are still having symptoms related to our exposure although we were only in this apt for 6 months our dog started having seizures I thought it was the water so we had the water tested nothing wrong with the water I noticed the freshly painted apt paint began peeling a friend of the family Suggested we have a environmental group test the apt we were told to move out ASP that there were high levels of tox mold and spores !!!

  • December 15, 2020 at 12:08 am
    Jordi Bertloom says:
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    You can not give this explanation to a city inspector! I am dealing with real estate over 16 years and bought and sold many apartment buildings. If a city inspector is called by the tenants complaining on molds , the landlord is required to fix it if he likes it or not. Management companies can be found liable as well since that by law in exchange for money they should provide a clean safe environment in the building they manage. Go tell the city health inspector that the tenants are simply slobs.

  • April 22, 2021 at 10:06 pm
    Eric Strongin says:
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    As an attorney handling toxic exposure matters, I have handled hundreds of matters relating to mold, and bodily injury because of mold exposure and living in a water damaged building. In every single case the attorneys representing the landlord, property manager or HOA will argue that no amount of mold will ever make you sick unless you are living in Third-World country conditions–eating moldy bread and grains. They treat mold as an allergy only –ignoring the last 10-15 years of literature which indicates that more than 50% of the people affected by mold are not allergic. The symptoms and conditions are real. Many are evicted or threatened if they choose to come forward, and the court process is slow and expensive. The defendants will subpoena all of your medical records, and look for any excuse to blame your illness on anything and everything in your past. We need better legislation and more access to our court systems. For some of our cases we have spent $100,000 or more in legal costs just to get the case through trial The average tenant cannot afford the steep cost of bringing their claims to light.

  • May 2, 2021 at 12:01 am
    Jordi Bertloom says:
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    I sued my landlord for mold and rodents infestation. I got sick with pneumonia because I was exposed to mold at our bathroom, carpet and breathing the rodents droppings when turn on the heater. The landlord was willing to Seattle out of court for $150K but I did not agree. The Jury gave us $475K

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