Underinsured Homeowner Problem Revisited on Anniversary of Calif. Wildfires

By | November 8, 2004

  • October 24, 2006 at 4:40 am
    Lori Real says:
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    The article is all fine and well but it has been almost three years and we are still without a home. Allstate would not mediate and took more than two years just to pay the underinsured policy limit of more than $300,000 for our home which was completely destroyed by the Cedar Fire. As stated by their own admission, it would take $3,900 per month to rent a home comparable to what we lost, yet they could only cover less than six months of this. I wanted to know after the fact, did an insurance company agree with Garamendi and allow more than a year for additional living expenses? As I\’m sure most consumers agree, the insurer is the expert as to the cost of rebuilding. Even Allstate\’s way of computing showed our home to be underinsured by $300,000 yet they would rather ignore someone who was insured with them for almost twenty years. Unfortunately no one seems to have stated that the insurance department can do nothing. Was even one consumer helped by the commissioners in getting relief or was this all just talk? Just as all articles involving the fires and help, the information came from those who did not lose anything. There were dozens of articles stating this or that was available, but not one person who actually lost anything was giver of such information. This is my posting and tomorrow, it will be three years since we lost our home and everything in it. Every goal ever achieved in that \”All American dream\” of owning a home, by working and working, GONE.

  • January 28, 2009 at 12:37 pm
    David Himelstein says:
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    We lost our home in the October 2007 fires in San Diego. State Farm lied to us multiple times and refuses to pay what they promised. See http://www.statefarmlies.com for my story.

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