Board Director & Officer Risks in Serving a Nonprofit

By John Trefry | February 10, 2014

  • February 8, 2017 at 7:50 am
    Francis Garcia says:
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    Wedgwood Homeowners’ Association Board of Directors has for Years (2000 to 2017) operated without ever having vote for Any Board member, thus they
    have intentionally operated under an Unauthorized assumption of corporate powers, yet they are protecting by municipal Officers, and the State of Colorado refuses to acknowledge the injury to the members of the association.
    recently, the these board members have been discovered, and their Fraudulent us of the own published Declaration and By-laws is use as tool to discriminate against the elderly, the disabled, and legal racism when the Highest Colorado Authority refuses to bring charges, The Colorado Dept. of Real Estate HOA information Center , removed the authority of the membership in an election conducted 10-23-2016, and acted to reinstall the Board that has no authority to rule, and is in direct violation of the 7-122-104. Unauthorized assumption of corporate powers
    Draft 2

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