Profile of a Great Account Manager

By | February 23, 2015

  • August 3, 2021 at 6:46 pm
    Marla K says:
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    “The typical account manager is a woman or man who graduated from high school and took a few college classes but did not graduate.” — Really? This is offensive. Why would you say something like that? I have multiple credentials that include a college degree. Are you saying that being an account manager is beneath someone who has taken more classes and received a degree (or multiple degrees)? Should I stop being an account manager simply because I’m over-educated in your opinion? Maybe I’ll move on and find another job since I’m clearly too good to be an account manager. I hope you see the sarcasm in that last sentence. Just maddening to read articles like this that stereotype a position that clearly requires a TON of knowledge and skill – whether you have a college degree or not.

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