Workers Comp

California Workers’ Comp Reform Taking Shape – Again

At a recent joint hearing in Sacramento on workers’ compensation in California with the Assembly and Senate, statistic after statistic flew out of the mouths of speaker after speaker during the nearly four-hour session. It was titled, “Informational Hearing, Injured …

Why Agents Need Workers’ Comp Manuals

Workers’ compensation is a game of rules. Like all other games, from Monopoly to football, if you don’t know the rules, you’re going to find it difficult to win. We don’t normally think of insurance as a “game,” but you …

Why Agents Need Workers’ Comp Manuals

Workers’ compensation is a game of rules. Like all other games, from Monopoly to football, if you don’t know the rules, you’re going to find it difficult to win. We don’t normally think of insurance as a “game,” but you …

California Economy Impacts Workers’ Compensation Costs

Workers’ compensation benefits for workers injured on the job in California decreased 1.6 percent to $9.3 billion in 2009, according to a study released today by the National Academy of Social Insurance (NASI). In 2009 (the most recent year with …

Calif. Returns Workers’ Comp to ‘Bad Ole Days’

When the Fifth District Court of Appeal (DCA) in California refused to review the Workers’ Compensation Appeals Board’s (WCAB) en banc decision in State Compensation Insurance Fund (SCIF) v. WCAB (Almaraz) on June 16, the Schwarzenegger administration’s efforts to return …

Calif. Appeals Court Declines to Review Workers’ Comp Decision

Fifth District Court of Appeal in California has refused to review the Workers’ Compensation Appeals Board’s(WCAB) en banc decision in State Compensation Insurance Fund (SCIF) v. WCAB (Almaraz). This means that the Sixth District Court’s decision on the Workers’ Compensation …

Calif. Temporary Total Disability Rates to Increase

As predicted by the California Workers’ Compensation Institute, the temporary total disability rate in California for 2012 will increase to $1010.50. The state Division of Workers’ Compensation announced the minimum and maximum temporary total disability (TTD) rates for 2012 will …

Workers’ Comp Reform High on Oklahoma GOP Legislative Agenda

Reforming Oklahoma’s workers’ compensation system will be among the top legislative goals for Republican lawmakers in 2010. GOP leaders in the state Senate and House of Representatives say overhaul of the workers’ compensation system is essential to economic development. Republicans, …

Workers’ Compensation System Failing Lower Wage Workers

Study Finds Few Workers File for Benefits Even When Seriously Injured Only 8 percent of lower wage workers injured on the job receive workers’ compensation benefits, according to a new report. Also, lower wage workers — those earning just over …

Workers’ Compensation Insurers Break Even in 2008

Recession Reduces Claims but Poor Investment Climate Frustrates Insurers The workers’ compensation insurance industry experienced a year of mostly solid results in 2008, according to Dennis Mealy, NCCI Holdings Inc. chief actuary. In its annual “State of the Line” report, …

Workers Comp Archives by Month