Massachusetts Governor Signs Countersignature Repeal

June 6, 2000

Gov. Paul Cellucci has signed legislation to repeal Massachusetts’ countersignature requirement, eliminating the requirement for the countersignature of a resident agent on policies placed by nonresident agents. The American Insurance Association is leading a national effort to repeal these requirements in the few states that continue to retain them.

“These countersignature requirements are antiquated and hamper commerce in the electronic age. They serve as an unnecessary trade barrier for companies that do business across state lines, forcing them to secure the signature and often pay a fee,” said James T. Harrington, AIA vice president, northeast region. “The countersignature process undermines business efficiency without guaranteeing greater protection for the insurance customer. AIA is pleased that the legislature and governor in Massachusetts saw the merit in [the] proposed legislation and enacted it into law.”

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