Brooklyn Police Officers Charged in Auto Insurance Fraud Scheme

October 24, 2002

  • March 2, 2005 at 2:27 am
    Jeanine O'Malley says:
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    Almost three years later I find it amusing to read what has been purported as news. “Accurate”, to say the least. I was one of the trio arrested for these “alleged” crimes. Just two points I’ll make in regards to your article from the numerous points I could make: ADA Hynes didn’t say how I was involved in this two year investigation, (funny I was on maternity leave the previous year and worked midnights the year before that one). Secondly he did not tell the public that just six months prior to my own arrest, I had made the identical arrest and in fact had called their offices numerous times looking for assistance being that I was unfamiliar with the operation of insurance fraud. I could go on and on but that would require a book to be written. I will say this, I took no offer of a plea and begged for a trial expeditiously. Funny, the charges were dismissed after that although now it is time for the NYPD to play its own games and they don’t like to lose. They are being warned here and now, ” I will not go quietly. The whole world is going to know exactly what happened and why all involved just want me to go away quietly”.

  • November 29, 2005 at 4:46 am
    Insurance Investigator says:
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    Please, for everyone\’s sake go quietly. So you are saying that out of everyone they could have locked up at the 61st Precinct they picked you for no reason? I am also not sure how being on maternity leave or midnights would mean you did not commmit the crime? You were probably in the Complaint Room on light duty looking to make some extra pocket money and filled out fake accident reports just like you did working midnights when no one was looking. Just be thankful you beat the criminal rap and accept that you will be retired early from the NYPD.

  • December 11, 2005 at 4:58 am
    Jeanine O\'Malley says:
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    To the cowardly anonymous insurance investigator who commented on this issue, obviously you are just as crooked as the NYCPD internal affairs division. Clearly you speak with absolutely no knowledge of the actual case or you are very very aware of the over zealousness on IAB\’s part(including hiding evidence or making it up) to make a name for themselves. Perhaps you were involved in the most incompetent, corrupt investigation involving IAB. The best is yet to come. Granted you are entitled to your opinion, but before you go blowing off anymore steam, maybe you should sit back and take in the real facts of this investigation. I guess that is something a real investigator would already know though.

    P.O. Jeanine O\’Malley (active)

  • December 16, 2005 at 11:02 am
    JAMES O\'MALLEY says:
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  • February 25, 2006 at 1:28 am
    Jeanine O\'Malley says:
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    Just a final update to this article more so to the anonymous Insurance Investigator….after just over 3 years, a dismissed criminal case and NYPD Administrative Hearing…..Robert Herold fired on February 13, 2006, Susan Lavin Resigned without the permission of the P.C. and finally P.O. Jeanine O\’Malley-NOT GUILTY on ALL Charges and found to be COMPLETELY EXHONERATED. Thank you to all who have continuously supported my family and I. Shame on all those who thought otherwise.

  • March 15, 2006 at 8:12 am
    Insurance Investigator says:
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    Congratulations on your exoneration on all charges. I still cannot understand why you were targeted for investigation and prosecution but that chapter appears closed and life goes on. Good luck.

  • January 25, 2008 at 2:30 am
    pissed of cictizen says:
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    Jeanine u only got off because of who your father is an who you know i dont know who you think your kidding everybody knows you are more guilty then sin itself

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