Pa. Takes Action Against Companies Reported to be Unlicensed

March 5, 2003

  • November 16, 2005 at 9:41 am
    Philip Abromats says:
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    I purchased a marine policy for my manufactured hovercraft from IWSF/WSS in 2004. In July 2005, the vessel caught fire while underway, yet IWSF has refused to cover my claim.

  • January 12, 2006 at 8:55 am
    connie weaver says:
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    Philip, please advise the reason IWSF/WSS refused to cover your claim, and have you done anything with this company about this. We to are having problems with this company. Thank you

  • January 12, 2006 at 9:36 am
    Philip Abromats says:
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    For legal reasons, I don\’t wish to discuss it on a public bulletin board. Please call my office at 610-993-2261 and leave your contact information. I will get back to you in person.

  • July 25, 2007 at 3:02 am
    Bryan says:
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    IWSF is a great company. Not only does is it 30% cheaper. If you read the policy and follow all their guidelines there is no reason why they shouldnt pay. I had a claim and followed everything and they paid my claim in less then 30 days.

  • July 25, 2007 at 3:14 am
    Philip Abromats says:
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    It would have been nice if they would ever have SENT me a copy of the policy, either before the accident or upon numerous requests thereafter until their “arbitrator” made a conclusory “ruling” against me. If your car overheats and catches fire, don’t you consider that a comprehensive claim rather than something to go to the dealer and have adjusted under the new car warranty? My hovercraft caught fire due to a manufacturing defect, but they said, “go back to the manufacturer.” Again, I never got a policy, and I submit that result was not within my reasonable contemplation as an insured. I’d be interested in knowing the nature of your claim.

    Bottom line: a legitimate company does not stand behind ridiculous quasi-legal therories to find a way to operate without a license. It complies with state law.

  • October 10, 2007 at 11:47 am
    Bruce says:
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    Have 90 fountain hit sub object did 26k damage to drives and hull, mostly drives, Submtted claim. Rep is suggusting that they are only going to cover 10% of policy total 50k. 5k is not going to pay for 1 bravo drive let alone 2 and a transom assm. Any recourse? suggestions? Rep said he would take it back to committy but I’m not real confident that they are going to make good with this policy loophole.

  • October 12, 2008 at 6:55 am
    Philip Starr says:
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    IWSF never sent me a copy of the policy. They refused my claim after my boat was sunk during Hurricane Ike. They claimed I should have moved my boat, even though I stated I did not have a trailer when I got the coverage. I filed a compliant with the Texas Department of Insurance. It was then that I discovered the company did not have a licence to do business in Texas.

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