Friedman Passes Away at 68

November 14, 2003

  • December 10, 2004 at 12:17 pm
    joel says:
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    Sid made a difference in people’s life’s.
    Not for the obvious reasons, but in the way he got through to agents who sold more life insurance to people who would not have made the purchase. For, agents were his lasting legacy for they carried the message from not Mount Sini but from Mount Sid. And we are all the better for it.

  • January 23, 2007 at 7:22 am
    Lyle says:
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    He was the motivator of all motivators!
    He has had a Positive impact on my Career when I thought I had meard it all!
    He will surely be missed!

  • April 12, 2007 at 12:16 pm
    Gloria Philipson says:
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    Dear Sue and Family,

    I knew Sid not only as a child of 5 but as an adult. We lived in the same building in Brooklyn. His parents, Ceil and Ben were friends of my parents. His parents always spoke of him with deepest pride and passion. I just found out about his passing yesterday and was devastated. Please accept my very deepest condolences at this late date. Respectfully, Gloria

  • May 1, 2007 at 6:49 am
    Simon Koay says:
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    You made a difference in many lives including mine. Your enthusiasm and passion about life and work will continue to inspire and motivate me to try to live my dream life no matter what happens. I will stay at it till I get the ace of heart. Thank you. The world is a better place because you walked this earth.

  • September 27, 2007 at 12:08 pm
    Mike Schwager says:
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    I was Sid Friedman’s publicist. I was terribly sorry to hear about Sid’s passing. He was a man with relentless energy who always sought to grow, to do better. When I represented him, he was eager to develop his platform as a personal improvement speaker. I helped him with his book, “The Wonderful Wizard in You.” Sid had heard about the success I helped achieve for Harvey Mackay and his book, “Swim With the Shark Without Being Eaten Alive.”

    Sid had a desire to help people in their own growth and development. He was a man of great energy, drive and focus – and he believed in what he wrote, and what he spoke publicly about. One of his favorite sayings that I will always remember: “If it is to be, it’s up to me.” Sid believed in Dreams, but he equally believed in the power of Action.

    God bless you, Sid. You went too soon. But you inspired the lives of millions, and you lived the same good, successful and inspiring life you strived to help others achieve.

  • June 14, 2010 at 12:31 pm
    Mike Schwager says:
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    This is the second post I’m leaving about Sid – seven years after his passing. I was just thinking about Sid today – about his relentless energy, his thirst for success, his desire to help people become all they were capable of becoming. Sid believed that insurance was about love – about making sure your loved ones were protected and taken care of. He believed in sharing his wisdom, and his motivational lectures were full of wisdom about how to live life to the fullest and most successfully.

    Sid’s favorite comedian was Jerry Lewis. Now that I think of it, he looked a little like Jerry – and sounded a little like him.

    I loved Sid. When I heard about his cancer, I told him about a remedy from China that had saved my Mom’s life – “Haelen” – a fermented soy beverage that boosts the immune system up to 700%.

    He didn’t take it. I so wish he had.

    Mike Schwager

  • March 22, 2015 at 6:53 am
    Gene Auriemma says:
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    Even after more than ten years since Sidney’s passing, he lives on in my life every day and always will. Sid is part of who I am, he is in my DNA. His positive impact on my life was a gift from God. Sidney took me under his wing and I soared as a result. His profound impact on my life can not be overstated. I know that I am not the only one who feels this way. His greatness is still being felt to this day by all who knew him. My days at Corporate Financial Services were the best days of my life. I am eternally grateful to Sid, giant of a man. God Bless You Sidney A. Friedman, and Thank You from the bottom of my heart and soul.

  • August 22, 2016 at 4:54 pm
    Lucille Jacobs says:
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    To the family of Sid

    Sadly, I just learned of Sid’s passing today. I am deeply saddened by the news. We met when we were 15 years old and attended New Utrecht high school. I was a hall monitor, and he had band practice in the auditorium. He was a gifted trumpet player. My aunt Etta lived in the same building as Ben and Ceil. My parents Mollie and Lou Jacobs were very good friends with the Friedmans.

    We were boyfriend and girlfriend for two years, at age 15 to 17. He was the first boy I ever kissed. I am now 81, and recently widowed. I look back on my first boyfriend fondly. It sounds like he had a truly remarkable life and touched many people along the way. He also had a lovely family. I’m sure he will be, and is, deeply missed. Lucille

  • May 21, 2023 at 8:41 am
    Joe Hough says:
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    I just read one of the books of Sid, and was very touched by his sincerity, clarity and passion. I also googled to see whether to see if he is still around. I came across this page, and was touched by what many people wrote. So; twenty years following his death; I just wanted to say “Thank you, Sid.”

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