Boston Archdiocese Sues Insurer

March 8, 2004

  • March 8, 2004 at 2:43 am
    mpage says:
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    As respects the individual priests committing the abuse of children there would not be any coverage under a GL policy (intentional acts). Each episode of an abuse would be a separate occurrence.

    As respects the diocese there is a serious question of whether there was an occurrence as defined by the policy an if there was an occurrence how many and what was the nature of the occurrence that triggered or failed to trigger the policy. It would appear from the news reports that the acts allegedly committed by the bishop in failing to report to police authority and trnsferring dangerous priests around the diocese were just as intentional as the abuse itself! Lumberman’s should strongly resist these claims on a number grounds, not just “voluntary settlement” in my opinion.

  • March 8, 2004 at 3:05 am
    Michael Callahan says:
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    How dare the church ask an insurance company to pay for criminal activity?

    Since when must an insurance company indemnify persons when crimes are committed?

    The church should pay the fines themselves – in my humble opinion!

  • March 12, 2004 at 3:08 am
    Laura Grant says:
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    Unbelievable how this religious group let this happen in the first place, and is now continuing the wrong-doings by trying to place financial responsibility onto the insurance company when there is no coverage for pedophilia!!! Wake up Catholic Church! Could you possibly do the right thing now? Or will you continue to do evil and crooked things forever?

  • May 24, 2005 at 6:33 am
    Bernard Hronek says:
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    Bishop O’Malley dies and gets sent to Hell. As a high ranking member of the clergy, he gets his choice of accomodations. During the tour, he comes upon John Geoghan standing in a pool of boiling liquid **** up to his chin. O’Malley starts blubbering about how he couldn’t take anything like that, and that he never did anything to deserve anything like that. Satan replies that it’s not so bad and he could do a lot worse. O’Malley cries and says what could be worse than what he sees. Satan says it could always be worse. “For example,” he says, “Geoghan is standing on Cardinal Law’s shoulders.”

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