N.H. Firms Hit Anthem Rejection of Co-Payment Plan

March 29, 2004

  • March 30, 2004 at 5:13 am
    R. Murphy says:
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    The firms would probably be better off looking elsewhere for health care insurance to meet their needs. Anthem BCBS has some problems. It overlooks a lot of cost savings opportunities probably because it has gotten so big that the head doesn’t seem to know what goes on in the tail.

    For instance:
    It doesn’t investigate many of the complaints made to it about insurance fraud such as being overbilled by an approved provider.

    It doesn’t make any effort to protect itself from work related medical claims that would be paid under workers compensation. This is especially a problem in the federal employee market. Anthem BCBS eats a lot of medical costs for treating injured federal employees rather than attempt to persue it with the Labor Department. A lot of medical costs should have been paid by the federal Office of Workers Compensation Programs.

    Anthem BCBS is also having problems with emergency room coverage. While many hospitals say they accept Anthem, their emergency room doctors may not. Anthem has been trying to use angry emergency room patients to persuade ER doctors to agree to accept lower payments for their services. Many doctors don’t and the patients often get stuck paying the diference which can amount to hundreds of dollars beyond their copayments. Many hospitals do not have doctors who accept Anthem payments.

    Before the N.H. groups sheds too many tears, it ought to check with its area hospitals to see if they even have ER doctors that accept Anthem BCBS

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