Md. Woman ‘Suffers’ Guilty Plea over Comp Fraud

September 3, 2004

  • September 6, 2004 at 9:17 am
    R. W. thomas says:
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    THIS is the type of judgement that needs publicity. It should be on every TV immediately after the ambulance-chaser ads.

  • September 8, 2004 at 12:35 pm
    Charli says:
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    If you pretend you’re injured when you’re not you make every lie the carriers use against injured workers valid. Personally I think she got off to easily.

    Injured workers commit less then 1% of wc fraud yet we’re always pointed to as the problem with work comp.

    The playing field needs to be leveled and wpi’s (work place injured) and the businesses that insure through the carriers have the same issues.

    Most wpi’s would prefer to go back to work. Believe me it’s hard to live on what you get from wc.

  • September 8, 2004 at 7:04 am
    Nancy says:
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    A blatant immoral and unethical decision to commit workers’ comp fraud will alert every other legal entity to scrutinize this lady’s business. The IRS will likely review her tax filings, her employers will double check her work (if she can even get another job – since her criminal record may be available to all), banks will deny services and her friends won’t trust her. Unfortunately the domino effect won’t affect her family’s attitude toward this kind of behavior. They will simply say “I won’t get caught like Mom” and say it with a grin on their face. The consequences for this lady’s actions should have been much more stiff.

  • September 9, 2004 at 2:25 am
    Charli says:
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    I agree she got off too easy.

    One of the really big problems is that wpi’s commit a very small portion of this type of fraud yet those who do commit the fraud very seldom get the press that wpi’s get.

    I’d like to see a list where every person who has commited fraud would be listed. I don’t care if it’s the carrier, the doctors, etc.

    We’ve had to spend a small fortune to win our case when even their wc doctor said I was totally disabled. It’s a waste of money and resources for carriers to with hold treatments that their own doctors say are necessary.

    The worst part is that one specialist I went to said that had I gotten the proper treatment I wouldn’t have ended up totally disabled.

  • September 9, 2004 at 4:22 am
    diane says:
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    I taught school and was injured on the job in 1999. I continued to work dispite my injury. I have disc damage, nerve damage, muscle damage etc. My condition has worsen and I was never given the proper medical care I needed. The workmen’s comp insurance carrier refused to pay medical bills because a doctor stated I was magnifying the condition. Even though the next doctors performed EMG’s/NCS and the tests showed damage in every nerve and muscle tested I was put through hell on earth. 5 years later I am told I need both cervical and lumbar surgery. Doctors just completed more testing and I found out the nerve and muscle damage has also progressed. Many times people who are truly injured are still treated like animals by the insurance carriers ever through test results show their injuries are real. The Workmen’s comp insurance company refuses to pay medical care and when you use your group insurance plan they begin taking money back for services.There are suppose to be State and Federal laws to protect workers injured on the job. I have lived a medical and legal nightmare for 5 years. I went to court only to have medical care deferred by the Judge because my lawyer did not file the proper paper work and I pay close to $500 a month for pain management for the past three years. When I got up to go to work on that Oct day in 1999 I was a teacher , realtor, had a clean home and social life. I could hardly take care of the activities of daily living and keep my home clean. I never collected temporarily benefits. I went to work with disc, nerve and muscle damage because I did not want to loose everything I worked for.While some people may try to cheat the system there are others who have had there whole life destroyed by a system that was designed to help injured workers.

  • September 9, 2004 at 1:37 am
    Charli says:
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    This is why wpi’s must know their rights and obligations under the system.

    The PTB’s gave away most of our rights for a system that doesn’t work correctly. But it can be fixed. As more and more wpi’s work together to educate new wpi’s and work for reform things will change.

    I wish you luck.

  • August 7, 2006 at 9:25 am
    JD says:
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    How about when the IC commits fraud. What about the people who are dying because of lack of treatment. What about the injured worker who finally looses everything and then commits suicide. That is what should be put on TV immediately. Somehow that just never seems to make it to the news.


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