Pa. Debates Green Light for Red Light Cameras

September 28, 2004

  • September 28, 2004 at 2:21 am
    Jimbo says:
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    Surprise, surprise. The city that Ed Rendell ran into the ground is now looking for money any way they can. The worst city in the nation (I formerly lived there but moved away because of its liberal worthlessness) for mailing parking tickets to people who were never there(my relatives who were never in Philadelphia were mailed $50 parking tickets) now is looking to mail tickets to people for running red lights. Get real.

  • September 30, 2004 at 10:03 am
    Kent says:
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    I live in North Carolina and the red light camera salesmen have been busy selling big brother to our major cities. What a joke it is to say these devises are for safety. What they may accomplish is increasing revenue for the cities, or do they. It cannot be cheap to install these cameras. I wonder how many tickets it takes to pay for one before the city begins to make any money.What about the administration costs of the fines by public officials etc.I have seen some really scary near rear end collisions since Greensboro installed their cameras. My way of protest is to avoid the cities and streets that have the cameras when I can. I can do my shopping somewhere else where the revenue is appreciated and no big brother.

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