Former N.J. Neurologist Gets Jail Time in Fraud Scam

October 26, 2004

  • October 26, 2004 at 10:34 am
    Debbie Kegley says:
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    How about it Medical Board of California, Santa Clara County medical association….Catch Moby Dick yet?, (the wayward fako Doctor appointed by Cal-Comp worker’s compensation carrier and who also has privilages at HCA, Tenet’s Corporate Fat piggo’s hospitals. Mr. Arthur Messinger M.D. is posing as a Medical Doctor with a license to practice neurology. He doesn’t even know the difference between Nephrology, (he thinks those are the rock’s I blew threw his window’s) let alone (Orthopedic’s=Neurotic Medicine)where your bone’s are connected to his *** hole!! facilator’s of fraud are we? You do a nice job. Jail time for Mr. Messy yet? Oh, hell no…..they’d rather send the patient to jail and get this if I needed any health care? Maybe I hook up with some more of Health Net various criminal network professionals, I hate that word, (professionals) Health Net, gotta question for you? What makes you a professional? Where’s Pakistan? Pack this Health Net, right up your ***!!! Oregon State medical records are also not on the list for you over-abundance of veiwing pleasure to rip off comsumer’s or the patients. And all you people who went along with this, could very well be the next victims’. Wrong tests, wrong diagnosis, wrong prognosis, delayed treatment, disfigurement, death, all because you cared more about your margins, and your investor relations than you did with what was moral. Trust your heathcare provider’s now?

  • October 27, 2004 at 3:30 am
    Tray says:
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    All I can say in response to Debbie is “WOW”. You are an angry lady.

  • October 27, 2004 at 4:39 am
    Mike says:
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    Hey Deb,

    Have you considered counseling?

    If not…Please give it some thought..

  • October 28, 2004 at 10:06 am
    Tray says:
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    Good suggestion for Debbie. Most employers these days offer FREE counseling!

  • October 31, 2004 at 12:30 pm
    Debbie Kegley says:
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    This goes out to you Tray, & Mike,

    And to Ashley Cohen, PHD-Did you listen or write this down when I was summoned to your office for a cognitive evaluation based on medical records indication of impairment for (SSI). Did you: write or lister to the words I spoke to you about Mr. Arthur Messinger, M.D. and that he was a weasle. I’m thinking since you haven’t given me those records, the answere is NO. Ever watch the movie Patch Adams.

    What is:

    Acceptable by Black Angus Restraunt to get the latest news on your medical conditions at valley medical center & your past various medical providers. This inquiry mind just so happens to also moon-light at their corporate location. This pre-set the stage for my pursuit and confirmed the origin of poking around in my medical records history for them & their cohorts to distort and manipulate my entire medical records history.

    To be badger by their appointed disability plan providers (VPA) Calabasas, ca. & who also pokes and continues the advancement of obtained medical information flow so, they have a heads up on the situation/liability. How to proceed now with the acquired medical information against a working single mom. VPA also times out on the disability claim, and suggests (SSI) disability benefits. Statement: I have the ability to perform this waitress job as it is usually performed in the national economy. Good Statement unless your left elbow is out of position, which could explain the nerve, ligament and muscle pain, and also your right wrist in now so trashed, I have no idea what they will do to restore it to normal function. I’d like to shove some food stamps up and down those professionals who concluded there results based on 1.) false medical information 2) and their relationship to the insurance carriers. They whacked this so out of proportion over, over & over.

    This information is also invaded by the same interested parties of fraud and abuse. Pick the doctor’s that are allied to distort, transpose the actual date and medical evidence. These are people who are also aligned with HCA, Good Samaritan Hospital in San Jose, who stated “No records available” . So, I get it up the *** by these crooked people working together again and again. But, I have the records to show beyond proof of their systemic tramping on patients rights. The question never ends, how many people does it take to screw a single mom and her 8 year old son. The answer of my majority conclusion is plenty.

    This is just a slight reason why I am so angered by my situation and it probably relates to others’ happened by crooked MD’s, Lawyers, Insurance broker’s, Employer’s, Employee’s, Social Security claims examiners, billing departments, creditor’s, medical provider’s, nurses, state employee’s, Department of health service’s, banks, social service personal, close family relative’s who also think it’s ok to absorb this abuse & fraud and move on. Thanks for all the information you all provided me because you were so sure that an uneducated, waitress, with no financial means would fight against all you people. Think, before you commit your input, you who have no idea to what extent you involved yourselves with to screw, a single mom out of employment to support her son.

    Most employers these days offer FREE counseling is your solution:

    That would be the employer in their right mind who would not hire me, due to my jacked up employment history and still disabling medical conditions. I have more respect that you do.

  • November 1, 2004 at 10:13 am
    Tray says:
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    Debbie –

    In layman terms – what is your deal?

  • November 9, 2004 at 1:22 am
    Debbie Kegley says:
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    Tray, FYI
    This is the continued type of abuse and fraud that I have had shuttlecocked this way and that way ever since 1995. You (HCA, Good Samaitan Hospital-San Jose) throw me out of your hospital because you can’t help me? My statement back was “your not”!! So where do we go from here? Keep it up, I have no problem telling the whole world what you stand for and who,.

    Subj: RE: Petition for injunction prohibiting civil harassment
    Date: 11/4/2004 2:49:06 PM Pacific Standard Time

    Deborah Leah Kegley
    999 W. Hamilton Ave. #111
    Campbell, CA 95008

    November 4, 2004

    RE: Application for Temporary Restraining Order

    Lil G. Delcampo
    1875 Century Park East, Suite 1600
    Los Angeles, California 90067

    Lil G. Delcampo,

    For the thoroughness of this complaint filed. 8. Description of Conduct: States, Defendant was a patient of Good Samaritan Hospital on two occasions, one in 1979 and the other in 1988.

    Correction: I was not a patient at Good Samaritan Hospital in 1979.

    8. Description of Conduct: States she then called the Good Samaritan risk manager a “*****” and began speaking in a threatening manner.

    Correction: I was referring to Julie Benintendi, risk manager, and stated that I did not want that anorexic “*****” up in my face. Also, mentioned reference of anyone who touches my left arm, I would knock em. That’s defensive, not offensive.

    Highway to healthcare or highway to hell? Somehow, managed to make it to the high way of hell.

    Good Samaitan Hospital medical records, do not show an overview of the truth. Countless indications of medical records tampering provided by other medical provider’s in the Bay Area.

    Under what circumstances does Good Samaitan Hospital assume no liability for the loss and damage to my left arm? What’s that strange bump coming from your volar left wrist Ms. Kegley, How bout that a ganglion? Oh, my it’s not a ganglion……….Watson it’s looks like the ulna bone, hold up will have to operate.

    Debbie L. Kegley

  • November 10, 2004 at 7:19 am
    Debbie Kegley says:
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    Oh, I am damn crazy why? My behavior is out of the norm? My methods are not conventional? My reality is in conflict to yours? My truth is in opposition to any sound judgment? that you propose. The trick is not to play the game to long? Plain and simple, **** with me and I am going to **** with you. I didn’t plan these multiple years on you tearing my life and my Childs life to complement your expendable attitude? Main goal, to expose the exposures. Let’s just call it what is: Insurance Terrorism in part or whole by corporate greed, mega mergers, Manufactured by a buy and dump cohesive bankruptcy system, a hospital medical system that is hell bent on profits over healthcare. Also, absent the morals for family, community, and HCA fits perfectly. Regional Medical Center, part of their explanation to the closing of that local hospital is in part by:

    1) Revenue problems: Healthcare giants and other’s who don’t want government run healthcare, but in the end run, they have no problem ripping of the government and holding the tax payer’s accountable for their laddered short comings. Just a by product of my imagination again. Think NOT!!

    2) Tell me HCA and the like’s, what have done to encourage the participation of the uninsured vs insured. And then, to blame your revenue on the kinds of people your attracting to your hospital. Don’t tell me, you actually have some of those low-life, valley medical center, rift-raft in there? Must be an overflow problem of the medi-cal, indigent types seeking inequality healthcare. Must also have plenty of those neighborhood scum bags close to the hospital in there seeking unorthodox medical treatment too? Unquestionably, your trauma center must be a real hell hole to run with all the unreformed patients types.

    I personally live with someone who has the same moral values as all the people who participated in this massive, bilateral range of unspeakable, detached sickness. Get the word, unspeakable? Or, should I input that the major lack of “ACTION”. INACTION by people who are more of afraid of the glass that might shine in through their window’s that they hold back on that account. Guess what? people see, but, they don’t have the balls, male or female to speak out against something they are also (perceived)? of benefiting from. WRONG is WRONG not matter who.

    Not everyone, holds the sum unobtrusive way of thinking that I have personally experienced, but my intentions are just in my behavior (be it unkind by your way of thinking) to justify my end results of common world domination of Hippocratic oath at it’s worst. Jacking with a patients medical records, linking them to incorrect medical data, to stymie the truth, can’t be a trend now can it? Jacking with patients financial records, appointment snooping, banking records, IRS records, random solicitations of medical evaluations, coding abnormalities. Multiple medical providers cooperation data service exchange. Muti-State private sharing of patient medical records, not for the advancement, advancement of patient care “incredibly” . Past Employer , HMO claims service providers of and by these merger’s, to distort and process fraudulent claims by adjuster, claims examiners, insurance companies. Can it be also, chiropractic examinations sponsored by insurance companies to gain information. There is evidence to suggest a familiar component applicable to insure inappropriate diagnosis, prognosis or medical conditions of treating patients. Is it also a pomp-*** assumption that you can’t even trust a worker’s compensation attorney or other who is an insider for the defense attorneys for favors? I’m CRAZY!! You want the list, telephone numbers, associations, got their private records be it so that they want to snoop and manipulate my medical records history and jack me up? I don’t have false records tho, only the one’s submitted by the bastards.

  • November 10, 2004 at 10:52 am
    Tray says:
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    Debbie – I feel for you. You have some major mental problems and need SERIOUS help. I am sorry that I even commented on your reply. You really need to talk to someone and fast. Sounds like you might hurt someone or yourself in no time flat. Are you on any medicine for this behavior?

  • November 11, 2004 at 2:00 am
    Tray says:
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    Debbie –

    I am just a plain jane who works 5 days a week at a job I hate. I live paycheck to paycheck. I don’t know why you take all your frustration out on me. I don’t even understand half the information you type on here. I skip most of it because I do not know what your point is. I am not an attorney or doctor, nor do I work for one. I also believe attorneys and doctors are a crock of $hit. I was just trying to chat with you and understand you. You know, be nice to you. I can see that you do not appreciate, nor want my concern or friendliness. I will not bother you anymore. I hope some day that you fine closure and can be happy. Take care Debbie!

  • November 13, 2004 at 7:09 am
    Debbie Kegley says:
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    I believe that your one of those crock’s of $hit. Let me guess, I must have some of your paper work in my stash?

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