N.J. Medical Society Goes to Court To Block Recoupment of $15M in Alleged Overpayments

November 30, 2004

  • December 2, 2004 at 7:23 am
    Accountable in my Industry says:
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    Why did the doctors assume it was acceptable to keep an overpayment? If I receive an overpayment from an insured, I am required by law to give it back to my client. Why is it that I am held accountable in my industry, but a doctor who was overpaid 2.5 Million over 2 years (yes folks, 15 million divided by 600 doctors!) shouldn’t have to? Medical insurance paying citizens need to start demanding more accountability for doctors and hospitals, as well as the insurance company. It is never ok to keep money that is not yours, that is stealing. It is never ok to overcharge because you can, again that is stealing. Just like it is never ok to accept payment for a non-existing injury, because that is stealing (most of us in the industry will agree with the last statement). It is disgusting how many people steal from us (us being the taxpayer, the consumer, the insured)on a daily basis and get away with it because they wear a suit or have a degree. We need to hold these people accountable.

  • December 2, 2004 at 8:43 am
    M says:
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    I agree with you but your math is wrong 15 million divided by 600 is actually 25,000 still a fair amount of money but no where near 2.5 million.

  • December 2, 2004 at 8:43 am
    M says:
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    I agree with you but your math is wrong 15 million divided by 600 is actually 25,000 still a fair amount of money but no where near 2.5 million.

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