Mass. Gay Couple Seeks Benefits in R.I.

January 4, 2005

  • January 4, 2005 at 2:06 am
    Reagan says:
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    This is a public entity financed by the taxpayers. I’ll bet they don’t want it. I’ll also bet no one is once again asking what the taxpayers want.

  • January 4, 2005 at 2:31 am
    PO'd says:
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    If that’s their attitude, it’s best NOT to ask the taxpayers. Pardon me, but don’t gay people kinda usually have to pay taxes, too? The tyranny of the majority has always been something this nation was designed to AVOID, and it’s a horrible pity to see our standards quashed now by thosse who aren’t content until they’ve evangelized the world.

  • January 4, 2005 at 2:37 am
    also PO'd says:
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    I agree with PO’d…those of us who are gay (includes me) do indeed pay the same taxes as those who are not gay … actually we pay more since we do not get the married benefit.

    The fact that a public institution is involved in no way should influence its compliance with the law of the land. That it seems is what the school board is doing…making sure that they are in compliance with the law.

    Sounds like a great school board to me!

  • January 4, 2005 at 3:27 am
    Fair and Balanced says:
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    Ok I agree. Now same sex couples not married should lose their health benefits. It’s happening in MA right now. Northeatern u, Gilette and many others.

  • January 4, 2005 at 3:40 am
    Jere Allan says:
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  • January 4, 2005 at 3:50 am
    Jere Allan says:
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    I just can’t leave this alone. You know the law regarding same sex marriages across state lines. You are deliberately pushing the issue to force your lifestyle on the rest of us who live heterosexual lives. Pure and simple politics.

  • January 4, 2005 at 4:07 am
    PO'd says:
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    so simple, so skewed. Nobody’s “forcing” a lifestyle on you, anymore than hetero people who live together without being married are forcing you to do the same, or people who like meat are forcing you to have a steak for dinner. Bad enough you have to force your God on me – do I have to wear the same clothes as you, too? How’d you grow up to be such a closed-minded fascist?

  • January 4, 2005 at 5:09 am
    Jere Allan says:
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    I grew up the same way you did that makes you the Marxist Liberal that you appear to be. Yes, my religion is based on God, just as your’s is based on no God. I don’t force my religion on anyone, that is why I resent your trying to force yours on me and everyone else.

  • January 5, 2005 at 8:09 am
    Dawn says:
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    I’m not gay, and I don’t feel it is my ‘right’ or even ‘obligation’ to tell ANYONE how to live. None of our business, Jed. 2 adults that want to share their lives, homes, etc should have every right to do so under the law. I know some people have an issue with the word ‘marriage’. Call it ‘civil union’ if that will keep your hormones in check.
    I lived next to retired school teachers that happened to both be men. They were together for over 30 years. Yeah, LOTS of so- called ‘straight’ marriages last that long, right, Jed? One of them developed Alzheimers. The ‘healthy one’ spent 7 long, agonizing years taking care of the man he’d loved for most of his life. Due to narrow-minded bigots he was not entitled to any survivor benefits under the law. When the sick man finally died, the ‘healthy one’ lost everything. His partner, his home, and everything that meant anything to him. THAT SHOULD BE A CRIME IN ANY STATE. He only lived for another 6 months. (Which is also very normal in ‘straight marriages’)

    Tell me, Jed, why did he deserve that? He loved someone, he was faithful, devoted, and finally, a loving caretaker in what is a horribly long debilitating death. He suffered, and when the suffering should have stopped, the so-called moral majority wins and he gets tortured until the day he died.

  • January 5, 2005 at 11:49 am
    Jere Allan says:
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    Dawn, my name is Jere not Jed. It is PO’d who did not reveal her name. I simply stated that the law does not recognize same sex marriage across state lines. This is all. The school teacher and her mate were pressing the envelope, knowing full well what the law said. Why? To change the law and FORCE other States to accept their marriage. It has nothing to do with your example or any other examples. As far as I am concerned they can live forever together in marriage in Massachusetts that is that State’s law, just don’t ask us “bigots” (your word) who happen to live in other States that don’t have such laws to change ours to please them or you or anyone else.

  • January 5, 2005 at 6:18 am
    JMH says:
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    The comments by Dawn are based on emotion and not reason…
    Our laws here in the US are based on Judeo-Christian ethics and “natural law” (handed down for thosands of generations). If the law is opened up to same-sex couples, should not the govenerment allow my five wives to have benefits also? (I- as all strait men – are polygamists). What about two men and one woman, or a group of us (if we believe that marriage should not be discriminatory toward groups)? What about my dog and I? We have great love for each other!!

    Please don’t be bigoted toward me Dawn… keep your open mind…

  • January 6, 2005 at 2:23 am
    Chuck says:
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    I’m sorry, but I must chime in here. I am a very happily married heterosexual who is not worried at all about homosexuals and their partners obtaining health coverage. This should NOT be about religion. Shame on anyone who wants to prevent these persons from obtaining health coverage, marrying, raising children, etc…I know PLENTY of Catholics, Protetstants, etc., who represent their religion very poorly. Consequently, the religion “argument” makes my stomach churn.

    EVERYONE is created equal in the United States I do believe, regardless of race, creed, color….or sexual orientation. To not believe this is being hypocritical to say the least.

    Why can’t all of society accept what is just and move on to more important issues?

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