Connecticut AG Calls for Voters to Elect Commissioner, Brokers to Disclose Fees and Quotes

February 8, 2005

  • February 9, 2005 at 7:36 am
    etimer says:
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    I feel, it is time to do to the bureaucrats what our fore fathers did to them. It isn’t just insurance but anyone in business is sick and tired of all the garbage comint from our elected officials. New laws and regulations come from the legislature as if they have a bad case of stomach flu. It is time to take the duct tape to their pontificating little mouths.

    Marsh did wrong! Take care of them, fine them, whatever but move on!!! The entire industry is not a Marsh and I dare say their aren’t may (if any) as large as Marsh was / is.

    Am I going to need to spend the first 15 minutes of an initial meeting explaining how I get paid? Must I explain why I get 80 percent commission on a term life policy? Why that $60 annual policy fee isn’t a commission-able part of the entire $250 annual premium. Why it isn’t like buying a computer where they will come back in 5 years to buy again from me and I’ll make another new sale? How if it is a 30 year term policy, my commission of $152 is really only 2% of what they will pay for the entire term policy. A real estate person gets their commission on what the entire value is of the home but we don’t get paid on the entire value of the policy premiums. Yak yak yak!!!!!!!! I am fed up to the neck with all the BS. For over 23 years I’ve been in the insurance business and have also done securities sales, ethical to a fault…….I’m tired of them. It is now over 23 pages of paperwork to go out and write that $250 term policy.

    To complete an auto application there is about 8 new pages of paperwork that has been added to new application over the past 10 years.

    Is there anyone that reads all the bureaucrats nonsense? When I buy a house do I read each and every page of all that stuff,? No I don’t. All that paperwork satisfies the bureaucrats reason for existence.

    When are we going to stand up and say…ENOUGH is ENOUGH!!!!

  • February 9, 2005 at 4:15 am
    glenn says:
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    you’re right etimer.more & more paper work.every citizen should have to deal with governmental agencies. they are parasites living off the works of others. they create no wealth just takers with more and more bureaucratsy to justify their existence

  • February 10, 2005 at 9:42 am
    Dale Abshire says:
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    Take time to review Blumenthal’s consumer work at my web site. He is as big a crook as all the rest. I have been licensed in the insurance and securities business since 1971!

  • February 10, 2005 at 9:54 am
    tom says:
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    Looks like he is claiming credit for discovering some vast secret!! A little late in the game to be trying to garner headlines. The call for agents to estimate payments is absurd – a late year loss or business reverse can heavily impact income – this is just asking for trouble and won’t solve anything.

    I also have experience dealing with elected insurance commissioners, and it’s mainly bad. Persons who make the law should be elected, persons who administer or enforce the law shouldn’t!! The next thing you know, a new scandal will be reported about the identity of campaign contributors.

    As one of the comments says, punish the wrongdoers and move on.

  • February 10, 2005 at 12:15 pm
    Dale Abshire says:
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    See the SEC’s thug @

  • February 11, 2005 at 11:42 am
    Mark Tilman Bishop says:
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    Salutations: Attorney Mark A. Dubois was an associate law professor at UCONN. Dubiis is chief council of The Statewide Grievance Committee, so I was told, but truth is often beyond his retoric. I sustained severe brain and spine injuries, and numerous thoracic injuries, but Dubois preferred his own diagnoses. My daughter at 18 months sustained typical injuries, and her injuries were also suppressed in Superior Courts. Dubois Directed my wife to a specific lawyer. Doctor James R. Merikangas is a leading brain injury authority, treated injuries after suffering two years. Dubois lied about diagnoses. Doctor Merikangas responded to my letter to Atttorney General Blumenthal. I have sent numerous letters to AG and called his office after first letter and asked, Do you think Attorney General Blumenthal remembers my letter? His office stated, “The attorney general is very aware of your file. That letter was sent before I understood why our lives were caused such misery after the accident. Doctors treated me for the diagnoses that Dubios concocted in order to destroy my character and control me if future problems arose. The office of Supreme Court Chief Justice Sullivan also is aware and contact stated, “I am very sorry for what has ocurred.” I am bedridded due to Dubois and require numerous surgeries, but Dubios stated, “He’ll be OK; he has insurance. He saved a police commander and his beer drinking son that rear-ended our stationary Saab and catatapulted us into the path of an overloaded speeding lumber truck on an arrow straight highway. The Ford F-150 Pick-up truck appears to be the family car, and the accident appeared to ocurr at an intersection, and my injuries appear to be a severe psychiatric disorder, and a closed head-type injury. Well, the cat is out of the bag, and I sit propped up in bed. My daughter just called from college angry about not being able to achieve, but injury causes her dream to be a doctor to now be apparently unachievable. Lara’s mom is a Learning Disabilities tacher. That is why our daughter is in college. My daughter is driven to succeed. Doctors stated and document that Lara would not be able to walk normal, and probably would not be able to learn to read. I cried when Lara turned sixteen for the first time. Lara danced since age four. Dance keeps her legs supple. She has eight years perfect attendance, and was a dance instructor. For the school’s 25th aniversary, Lara danced solo on point, the first to do so in school history. Her performance was called Pretty in Pink. I would more appreciate it if time were allowed to share two years of an all out effort to salvage the lives Dubios destroyed. Dubois returned my journal stating, “Well, you’re not stupid.” No, just severely brain injured, and aware that my life is in danger. I need help, but not only do attorneys refuse to even disguss the issue, a JUDGE LOST COMPOSURE AND LEFT MY PRESENCE stating Oh God! I do believe you would appreciate seeing evidence in cronological order before concidering release. Your time is appreciated. If you do not believe in The Law, God’s vengence is literal, succunctly defined. A monster is being exposed. It is the Beast that we seem unable to recognize, but it is a political machine closing out The Law. Now fifteen years is about to rage truth a howl that many endure due to monsters wanting power. Without my faith this would not been given, a truth is now apparent. Alexander Dumas had an incredible imagination. I live misery that will end with death. Mark Tilman Bishop

  • February 11, 2005 at 3:06 am
    Mark Tilman Bishop says:
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    That I might make thee know the certainty of the words of truth; that thou mightiest answer the words of truth to them that send unto thee?
    SOLOMON: proverbs 22:20
    Your appearance again in this matter is a *Godsend. You cast hope to this mournful soul. My letter to Attorney General Blumenthal dated October 13, 2003, seemed nothing more than a compilation of memories. Terrified, I pleaded again for help! My letter also contained Attorney Mark A. Dubois’ most frightening and incredibly bizarre statement:
    “You have 25% brain damage. It doesn’t mean anything. It has to do with the higher functions. I’d explain it to you but you wouldn’t understand anyway.”
    Due to brain damage I was unable to actually comprehend Dubois’ despicable enterprise. A concerted manipulation of evidences was achieved in order to control and silence me. Malevolent intent by Dubois causes unimagined suffering. My existence is nightmare hell. Dubois schemed to have me committed to psychiatric institution if future problems arose. Attorney Dubios is a liar, suppressed or padded evidence, and solicited your 2nd diagnosis. My court record is a manifesto exhibiting malicious intent and abominable representation.
    Lara and I sustained typical trauma injuries to brain regions causing our functional issues. Our traumatic brain injuries dynamically reflect extremely violent high velocity impacts. Two massive trucks from opposing vectors instantaneously destroyed our stationary Saab. Saab damage exceeded the $18,000.00 reported, but assessment ended with the work day. The adjuster inspected his Polaroid pictures of my Saab, and of Lara’s destroyed car seat.
    See: Book-A, Exhibit # 7, 8, 9, 12, 13, & 14.
    You irrefutably recognized our traumatic brain injuries and answered countless questions. You succinctly explained that my sudden and apparent physical and cognitive functional deficiencies were symptomatic. You described defuse axonal damage, vestibular disorder, and how torsion tearing between brain hemispheres occurred. You personally assured my wife, Phyllis, and documented that my traumatic brain injury is not a psychiatric disorder.
    Note: *Dubois mocked *God in order to solicit you 2nd comprehensive medical report. See: Book-A, Exhibit # 15, 22, 31, 32B, 32C, 36, 37, 39, 42,*40, 44, 45, 46, 48A, & 48B.
    AMICA, our underwriter sent *letter informing that automobile policy liability coverage could conceivably be exceeded, considering Lara’s injuries, and suggested retaining my own lawyer. AMICA assigned Lara Bishop council; **Howard Kohn Sprague Fitzgerald.
    Note: At AMICA, questions concerning accident injuries were answered in closed rooms. My phone confidant since the accident, AMICA often consoled my “bizarre complaints.”
    AMICA sent **letter requesting I contact company. The AMICA telephone contact was succinct, “You need to get your own lawyer!” AMICA was most aware of our injuries.
    See: Book-A, Exhibit # 6, 12, 13, 14, *33A, 33B, 33C, & **33D.
    Attorney Mark Hauslaib originally was my family lawyer. Attorney Hauslaib expedited all legal matters diligently and with genuine concern. Certain issues required a law firm having the resources, and experienced lawyers who *engaged in the trial of complex civil litigations. Hauslaib observed my impairments after the accident and stated that I was not improving. I believe wholeheartedly that Attorney Hauslaib is an honorable attorney and a gentleman. He referred me to somebody who can help me; Glass Lebovitz Dubois.
    Mark Glass assigned Dubois to my case. Phyllis and I listened to their complex litigating strategy. Mark Glass explained that he was the experienced fast trial lawyer; *Dubois would work with my tort litigation and would be handling the pretrial negotiation. Glass emphasized, “You’re lucky to have Attorney Dubois. He has experience with cases like yours.” Phyllis and I were assured full recompense for all injuries and losses incurred. Glass offered a 3″x6″x1/4″ spiral notepad and suggested I write down relevant thoughts.
    See: Book-A, Exhibit # 48B thru 48J. Book-B, Exhibit # 36 *resume: M.A.D. ***. Prof.
    Memory loss was not self apparent, but medical records indicate my recall was *sketchy. A state trooper present at the accident scene was concerned, and stopped over to visit. He explained that our survival was a miracle, and that Lara’s car seat took the impact forces. I explained how difficult the accident report was to complete. The state trooper stated that I should try to do my best and submit what was remembered. Evidently I was quite vague.
    See: Book-A, Exhibit # 31, 32A, 32C, 45, *47A, & 48A.
    At Glass Lebovitz Dubois, I stated, “The pick-up truck driver had a Budweiser Beer bottle in his mouth when he hit us.” Dubois replied, “Did you file an accident report?” Phyllis explained that I was unable to remember details of the accident for a long time. Dubois replied, “Well, they generally go by the accident report that was first filed.” Dubois refused my accident report copy and stated, “I’ll get the report from state police.” Glass and Dubois succinctly understood me when they refused my accident report copy. Dubois assured us stating, “We’ll take care of all the paper work that needs to be done.” Dubois refused to document my reacquired memory of the accident, and repeatedly stated, “It will be done before your case goes to trial.”
    Dubois preferred Lara be represented by a law firm other than was assigned by AMICA. Lara and I were leveraged away from AMICA, and injuries were typically suppressed.
    Note: Dubois immediately directed Phyllis and Lara specifically to a preferred individual.
    See: Book-A, Exhibit # 33, & *33D.
    Dubois fabricated the accident scenario, and concocted my severe psychiatric disorder. The Budweiser Beer drinking Ford F-150 pick-up truck driver appeared to be operating “the family car”, and I appeared to suddenly slow down without signaling. The accident appeared to occur at an intersection. The accident apparently exacerbated “a preexisting psychiatric disorder.” Duplicity appeared to convince Judge Jackaway; (**the family car) (**a severe psychiatric disorder) and (**a closed head-type injury) appeared in my court complaint at least three times, but Dubois suppressed my severe brain and spine injuries.
    Note: Impact scenario could not have occurred as Dubois submitted in his fabrication. The Ford F-150 pick-up truck mass far exceeded our Saab mass. Our Saab was stationary before the pick-up truck impacted parallel at high velocity, but stopped *perpendicular to impact vector. The Ford F-150 pick-up truck catapulted our Saab down the arrow straight highway and into the oncoming overloaded lumber truck. Before the head on impacts, during rear-end impact, my Saab driver seat track gave way at the front anchor points and rotated back onto the rear bench seat. I lay supine in the seat as the shoulder harness hung ahead of me, before the head-on impacts compressed my spine; before snapping neck and head. The lumber truck actually pushed our Saab backward approximately twenty feet.
    See: Book-A, Exhibit # *7, & **29C.
    Dubois often stated that we should respond only “yes or no” to all deposition questions. After the final deposition I felt panic and blurt out to Dubois, “What about my journal?!” Defense for the beer drinking driver and Police Sergeant Thomas Hart quickly responded, “I’ll want to see his journal.” Journal entries describe years of torturous injury symptoms. Dubois returned my five spiral notebook journals and stated, “Well, you’re not stupid.”
    Note: Lara’s case exhibits typical falsehoods and orchestrated psychological propaganda.
    Chronology: Clients to attorneys transition dates conflict. What appear to be common document errata actually is a convolute process of two orchestrated courtroom deceptions.
    1. AMICA assigned Lara representation; Howard Kohn Sprague Fitzgerald.
    2. Dubois referred ***Phyllis-Lara specifically to ***Robert Gorman
    3. **Document indicates my representation was Howard Kohn Sprague Fitzgerald.
    4. The law firm ***Krevolin Feinstein and Gorman represented Lara Bishop.
    Note: Dubois referred Phyllis-Lara to Gorman after AMICA advised I retain own lawyer; Howard Kohn Sprague Fitzgerald did not represent me after Gorman represented Lara. Confusion appeared to exist among lawyers not knowing who represented whom.
    Note: Howard Kohn Sprague Fitzgerald did not represent after AMICA succinctly stated, “You need to get your own lawyer!” Dubois referred Phyllis-Lara specifically to Gorman
    See: Book-A, Exhibit # 11, 30, 33, ** 33B, & 33D.
    AMICA abandoned my family, and intend to deny any knowledge of our injuries. The devastating reality became apparent to AMICA when damage estimate was brought to their attention. Our Saab literally exploded. Our injuries caused immediate response when you appeared. Read the bible, I am empowered by truth that cannot be corrupted.
    Dubois absurdly advised Phyllis and me to resolve litigations with the insurers of The England Lumber Company, England Enterprises, Inc. and the speeding operator of the overloaded lumber truck. Dubois stated it would be difficult to prove that Lara sustained injury. He explained that Massachusetts had a better child injury law than in Connecticut, and assured us that releasing three defendants was common procedure. I rebuked Dubois. Privately Dubois advised Phyllis that it would be best she have me *declared incompetent.
    See: Book-A, Exhibit # 43.
    Dubois initiated my character assassination by contacting Doctor Manage D. Nissanka. Nisanka’s report was written years before the accident, but Dubois submitted a **response from a psychiatrist having a current date in order to pad the evidence. **Dubois indicated his desperate need for my psychiatric and psychological releases after he discovered my nine visits to Nissanka. Dubois overlooked my apparent physical wellness, and targeted a depression. Upper respiratory infection developed and I was unable to sleep sound, and went to Nissanka.
    Note: Dubois developed my nine visits to Nissanka into a severe psychiatric disorder. Dubois described to the court my severe brain injury as, “a closed head-type injury.” Apparently your methadone prescription was more important than my brain injury report. ***Methadone is clearly legible, but ****traumatic brain injury appeared blurred.
    See: Book-A, Exhibit # 20, 25, *43 Book-B, Exhibit # 35: page ***2, ****16, *38-39.
    Dubois directed me to *psychologists in order to obtain his needed neuropsychological assessment reports that he used to create my psychiatric profile, **Social Security record; *Doctor Stein, and *Doctor Novick. Dubois concocted a psychiatric history.
    See: Book-A, Exhibit # *23, 24, 25, 26, & **41.
    Doctor Kevin Ann Murphy’s neuropsychological assessment *payment request appeared between your 2nd comprehensive medical report, and Doctor Lang, aka AMICA. **Dubois suppressed Murphy’s report documenting my traumatic brain injury.
    See: Book-A, Exhibit # **32, Book-B, Exhibit # *35; The Dubois Manifesto, page *37.
    Phyllis informed me that Dubois advised I be declared incompetent. Dubois deluded and convinced Phyllis that my symptoms are all in my head. Dubois pressured Phyllis to have me declared incompetent. Phyllis explained that I capitulate or be *declared incompetent. Dubois stated, “Besides with your injuries you’ll most likely get everything anyhow.”
    See: Book-A, Exhibit # *43,
    AMICA referred me to Independent Medical Examiners, aka *Doctor Lang reported my symptoms are “bizarre complaints.” Referring to my previous shoulder injury, Lang reports, “There is a casual relationship between the patient’s initial back, neck, and head complaints and the incident of April 23, 1987. Doctor Lang refused to let me lay down for more than one hour before I was unable to support my head. During my wait Lang did not have a patient other than me in his office. Repeatedly, I requested to use an empty examination room in order to lay flat.
    See: Book-A, Exhibit # 39, & *47-B
    Dubois informed Phyllis that he cannot do anything without your comprehensive report! Phyllis conveys idea Dubois was waiting for your comprehensive report, and you replied; “What does he *want? I sent him a comprehensive report!” *A corroborating 2nd.Report. Dubois could “work with” your first document, but needed to present to Judge Jackaway two psychiatrists current medical reports; concluding diagnoses, that appeared concurring.
    Note: **Dubois combined your report with Doctor Vincent J. Caride. Combined they appeared to conclude your examination.
    See: Book- B, Exhibit # 35, and page **7 thru 9 and *33, thru 36.
    “Dear Doctor Merikangas: You have been following my client and your patient, Mr. Bishop for some time. Frankly, your appearance in this matter was a Godsend…”
    Dubois designed his letter to solicit the corroborating response in your 2nd comprehensive medical report. Dubois received your second comprehensive medical report that appeared to concur with Doctor Lang. *a casual relationship. You report **a casual connection.
    Note: Reports within The Dubois Manifesto do not appear in chronological order. Smudges and obliterations were painstakingly incorporated in The Dubois Manifesto. Dubois used all means available in order to suppress evidence and destroy our civil suits.
    See: Book-A, Exhibit # *40, 50. Book-B, Exhibit # 35; page sequence **33, *36
    “Please go to see Doctor Merikangas.” “I already did. He has nothing more to offer.”
    Dubois discredited you by the end of our meeting, and your testimony suppressed. Also, Lara’s injuries were suppressed. Our brain injuries were made unapparent to all Judges. Crucial witness’ testimony, overwhelming physical evidence and medical facts had been suppressed or padded, in order to perpetrate premeditated crimes within Superior Court.
    Dubois manipulated and used Phyllis. His lies deluded, and Phyllis believed you would testify that my brain injury “was all in my head.” Dubois’ lies caused me to believe you thought I was crazy, and made me nauseous. Dubois managed one hell of a job deceiving. Phyllis accepted the situation on the way home stating, “Well, if Doctor Merikangas also thinks you’re O.K. there’s not much you can do about it.” Phyllis knew I was in shock; we were in shock. Phyllis avoided stating, “If everyone thinks you’re “crazy” there’s not much you can do about it.” I endured so much shame when seeing you! Phyllis suggested not telling you any more about my “bizarre symptoms.” Dubois is a disgusting monster!
    Connecticut State Trooper present at the scene of the accident informed *Phyllis that it was a miracle Lara and I survived. In **my letter to Attorney General Blumenthal I recall the head on impact sounding “like a field piece discharging.” The primary sound of retort was the overload of concrete and lumber that continued forward to impact behind the cab. See: Book-A, Exhibit # *9. Book-B, Exhibit # **24
    Dynamics indicate: The speeding overloaded lumber truck impacted our Saab head-on two times. Lara was secured in her car seat facing forward in the center of the back seat. Situational awareness caused extreme concern. My turn indicator chimed and flashed as box truck approached from my six, and ahead approached a speeding lumber truck. My Saab swayed when the box truck drove past on our right side. The Ford F-150 followed.

    Hart, the Ford F-150 pick-up truck driver was busy drinking from a Budweiser Beer bottle when we were catapulted down the highway into a massive truck. My Saab engine tachometer redlined as it pulled faster, into the path of the England Lumber truck. The first head-on impact slammed us backward. An abundance of window fragments landed on Lara’s car seat pad after the first head-on impact. Lara’s face pushed glass rear window fragments into her car seat pad when we were impacted head-on the second time. Lara’s head violently impacted forward again after our third impact, filling her mouth with fallen rear window glass. High velocity fragment pitted my rear view mirror.
    Note: Pictures were taken at the accident scene. Dubois submitted only the *newspaper clipping I gave him. The *caption indicates injury did not occur. It was passive evidence. Dubois fabricated an accident scenario causing me to appear negligent and protected the defendants. The accident did not occur at an intersection, but appeared to have because The Ford F-150 pick-up truck stopped perpendicular to our Saab after impacts. Dubois refused to inspect Saab wrecked in my garage, and the rear view mirror that I brought to his office. When asked to view my damaged rear view mirror caused by rear window fragment impact Dubois refused and stated, “We can’t use it in court if you take it apart.”
    See: Book-A, Exhibit # *7, **8, & *9
    Phyllis and I did not assume that Dubois conferred in your office. Dubois informed us of upcoming appointments with you. During the winter of 2002, I questioned Dubois, “Why didn’t you go to see Doctor Merikangas?” I referred to1991, the day we were told you had nothing more to offer, and also concurred with Doctor Lang. Dubois tersely replied, “I did go to see him. I remember the furniture in his office in New Haven.”
    Note: Dubois continues to lie. Dubois insists we have not made any contact since 1991. Phyllis is terrified of Dubois. She remembers pleading that I not to call him quite recently.
    Dubois padded chosen evidence, and suppressed evidence that he could not work with. He destroyed my credibility and schemed to have me institutionalized if I caused any future problems.
    Note: Dubois secured my file pages 7, 8, & 9 with a paperclip as it appears in my rebuttal. Paper clip secured two doctors reports that appeared to be your concluding examination. Dubois stated, “Let me do the talking. The Judge could be difficult.” Dubois’ big concern was Judge Jackaway perusing my padded court record; The Dubois Manifesto.
    See: Book-B, *Exhibit # 35
    In the fall of 2002, Dubois and I talked openly about my settlement, and total disability. I asked” When you’re disabled don’t you get everything? Dubois did not reply. Before settlement Dubois stated, “Besides, with your injuries you’ll most likely get everything anyhow.” I got everything, but it was not money. I got screwed just like the attorney stated in Pastrories’ Restaurant the day my case was discussed among lawyers. At the time I was unaware of why my life became a living hell, but it was only a matter of time. Dubois laughed at my apparent fear of pain in the winter. Dubois stated, “Why don’t you move to Florida? I hear it’s cheap to live down there. Dubois stated, “Did you call The Reardon Law Firm? It sounded like you. Don’t do it again. It could be dangerous.”
    Approximately six weeks after Dubois and I conversed last, South Windsor Police Commander Tomas Hart attempted to have me arrested in Vernon at the CVS pharmacy. Commander Hart called the Vernon Police and stated that I appeared to need ambulance. A young officer arrived first, and Commander Hart obviously exhibited lost composure. The young Vernon officer approached me confused and asked, “What’s going on here?” Cautiously I replied that I did not know. I too was confused, unaware who Commander Hart was that night. Under duress, I subversively was questioned, “What medications are you taking?” I replied, “An anti-seizure and an anti-hypertensive. The young officer asked, “What happened to you anyway?” I responded, “The son of a police sergeant slammed full speed into the back end of my vehicle with a beer bottle in his mouth. Commander Hart disappeared immediately after I explained why my life was destroyed. The duty sergeant ordered his officers not to generate any paperwork. Paperwork was generated in the CVS pharmacy. Prescription receipts were generated and *records exist. Curious, the next day I went to the South Windsor Police station, but Commander Hart could not be located. I telephoned his station, and recognized Commander Hart’s voice.
    See: Book-A, Exhibit # 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 21, and 22. Book-B, Exhibit # 49, 11/18/2002
    You kindly wrote a letter to Leslie Lawson Youngblood briefly explaining my injuries. After the accident, Les and I were walking and discussing navigation optical standards. When I failed to properly respond to questions, Les stopped fast on the sidewalk, turned to momentarily eyeball me and harshly stated, “Mark! What in hell is wrong with you?” We had been friends many years, but Les never before address me in point blank manner. Les was confused by my slow and incorrect responses. Life is very difficult since injury.
    Social Security denied me benefits because Dubois suppressed crucial medical diagnoses. Social Security regional director was my friend since age twelve. I asked for assistance. Dubois submitted documents convincing Social Security that I sustained anxiety disorder. My friend is a United States Army Colonel, but thanks to Dubois, my friend will not call. Men of this caliber do not waste time with screwballs.
    See: Book-A, Exhibit # 41.
    How Dubois managed to jump thru the courts is pretty slick, and meticulously planned. The single hoop trick can be read in hard copy. The Dubois Manifesto is public record. Hearing a lawyer in a restaurant state, “Mark Dubois really screwed one of his clients.” caused me to immediately contact Glass Lebovitz Dubois. When I telephoned the Law firm to request my file be made available the contact apprehensively stated, “All client files are burned six months after litigation.” Contact date was August 26, 1991. Since then I have been ostracized. Lawyers will not speak to me. I have searched for an attorney without success. Until recently, I was unaware of Dubois’ malicious endeavor.
    See: Book-B, Exhibit # 40.
    AMICA complained because I sent letter to company president. Glastonbury Police telephoned to inform that I would be arrested if contact by letter or phone is again made. Yesterday, I contacted AMICA to explain that I would require an ambulance ride to jail. They want copies of AMICA letters in my possession, but not any of my medical records. AMICA will receive all medical records documenting injuries that Lara and I sustained.

  • February 11, 2005 at 3:48 am
    Mark Tilman Bishop says:
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    I have forwarded part of my letter to Doctor James R. Merikangas that details how Attorney Mark A. Dubois destroyed my life and protected the insurance companies, and South Windsor CT Police Commander Thomas Hart. I am unable to leave my home without being concerned about what is going to happen after submitting my complaint to The Statewide Greivance Committee. I have endured an incident of road rage that appeared to be an off duty detective or police officer in an unmarked car. Details of the incident undeniably confirm impression. Doctor Merikangas did everything to help me and our daughter, but Attorney Mark A. Dubois lied incessantly from the time we were introduced. He continues to lie as Chief Councilor of Connecticut Ethic Oversight Committee, or what ever it is called, I have been lied to there also. The Statewide Greivance Committee reviewed my complaint and responded that nothing out of the ordinary is apparent. Of course not, it is standard operating procedure in Connecticut;The Insurance State. I will be forced into a state psychiatric hospital if Attorney Mark A. Dubois is successful. His problem, I keep a high profile and informed Attorney General Blumenthal that if I have an accident or my house burns or I suddenly commit suicide to take note, IT WILL NOT HAPPPEN! It will be a premeditated murder that will be a made national. I have had enough. Dubois also terrorizes a school teacher! And I will not be suppressed any longer. My letter to the president of AMICA was not well received. We were put into a high risk pool and then dropped. Thank you AMICA, the friendly company. Well, I,m here, come and roll me into court you miseable excusses for human beings. Mark Tilman Bishop, Grandson of Mississippi Legislature, and great grandson of a preacher. Now you are in the spotlight just like a sat on eleven medications in deposition. AMICA yelled two questions. How did you get out of the car? Lara screamed and I beat my way out, and ripped her door open. She had passed out again by that time. How did you do it. I did it on Morphine and drank to kill pain because terror was my reality, and you screwed me, and now you’re screwed too! So sue me for telling the truth. It is my right as a United States Citizen to live free. Sons of Bitches! Terrify my family? Go to hell! My web address will soon be available for a nation to read! My e-mail is available to all responses now at

  • October 14, 2005 at 5:00 am
    Mark Tilman Bishop says:
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