N.Y. Lawmakers Call Hearing into Strained Workers Comp Insolvency Fund for Today

By | February 15, 2005

  • February 15, 2005 at 11:13 am
    Rich Pyorre says:
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    If the lawmakers would look into the perjury of State Farm Insurance Companies they would find State Farm is avoiding WC on huge amounts of payroll. Maybe WC is having problems because companies like State Farm are lying to government officials and nothing is being done about it. One example: State Farm says its agents have no mandatory meetings but ask any State Farm agent if this is a true statement. I have the documentation to prove my statements of them commiting perjury. Rich Pyorre Fort Bragg, CA

  • February 15, 2005 at 5:15 am
    Eric Carlston says:
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    I am unable to find and afford an insurance policy to cover roofing operations. I was cancelled again by NYSIF because I could not afford the premium. There are no other options to write comp for roofing that I can locate. Most of the contractors in the area do not have roofing liability or comp insurance. These companies underbid legitimate contractors, and keep the median price so low that it is near impossible for a small contractor to afford premiums. The assembly pushed through a raise in minumum wage, but cannot see the need to reform insurance issues in New York State. This in effect will put many small business persons out of business and then they won’t be able to hire anyone. This backward way of thinking has put this state in dire condition and it seams to be getting worse. Maybe Susan John will be willing to pay for the insurance that I can’t afford. Being a poor self-employed white republican, I doubt that my problems are any of her concern. She panders to lawyers getting rich on lawsuits, and her constituency that refuses to work though many are able bodied. Why work when welfare pays the bills for free.(Did I forget to mention unions?) This is causing many people to move from the area and the rest of us out of business. When are insurance premiums going to become affordable?

  • February 15, 2005 at 5:40 am
    Smitty says:
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    Part of the Bush/Democrat agenda of annihilating lawfull American businesses in favor of alien criminal cash businesses.

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