Pa. Lawmaker Wants Shield Against Obesity Lawsuits

April 26, 2005

  • April 26, 2005 at 1:14 am
    LLCJ says:
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    Whatever happened to personal responsibility. Why is it always someone else’s fault?

  • April 26, 2005 at 1:37 am
    BJT says:
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    Personal Responsibility is a thing of the past here in the U.S. Why blame yourself when you can blame someone else and make a ton of $? That’s how our systems are set up. It ain’t MY fault! Our nation is getting FAT and LAZY…who wants to admit that? Pass that buck over to McD’s and the entire fast food industry. How was I supposed to know that eating a pound of fries a day would be unhealthy? They should have told me, then I wouldn’t have eaten it. Yeah right. And hey, why get a job? Someone else will pay for it. It’s a snowball that just keeps getting bigger, isn’t it? It’s all related to each other and it just keeps FEEDING itself…pardon the pun. Why do they call it COMMON SENSE anyway, when it’s not common at all.

  • April 26, 2005 at 1:47 am
    Drewboy says:
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    Its as simple as eating healthy foods, exercising, and getting a decent amount of rest. The fact that people are successfully filing suits amazes me. Its an excuse, just like going to school the day your term paper is due and saying your dog ate it.

  • April 27, 2005 at 12:52 pm
    Beenthere says:
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    I’m in the ins. biz so we see things that average folks never do-and it IS sickening what people sue for, AND collect. I was 100lbs overweight at one tim, I made some simple changes, and now 27 years later, I’m healthier than I’ve ever been. BUT, it took some effort(that’s a word you probably won’t find in the dictionary anymore). Unfortunately, it probably is necessary to have legislature to protect the potential targets (restaurants)-even if they have ins. and nothing gets paid on a suit-the premiums go up and before you know it, they’re out of business…SOCIETY has to change…

  • April 28, 2005 at 10:49 am
    Jenny says:
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    I believe in personal responsibility, choice and effort as well. However, the food companies, especially fast food chains that market to children, should be required to advise the customers of the ingredients, fat, carbohydrate & nutrient.

    I had a weight problem that I took reponsibility for and I have reached my 65 pound weight loss goal.But I had to cook all my own meals since it is impossible to determine what additives, preservatives and hidden carbs are in the food served by restaurants and chains.

  • April 28, 2005 at 2:38 am
    esq2002 says:
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    It doesn’t matter what additives are in the food. It’s how much of it you decide to shove in your mouth.

    You don’t need a nutrition label to know a cheeseburger is fattening.

  • April 28, 2005 at 4:48 am
    Bob says:
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    Ditto that.

  • April 29, 2005 at 1:21 am
    Independant Guy says:
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    And what about exercise? I see a few people out bicycling for pleasure/exercise when I am, and they’re usually as thin as a stick! Them and the other runners in the area… But most people’s exercise is walking to the car and back, or walking isles in the supermarket.

  • May 4, 2005 at 11:34 am
    Jacqueline says:
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    The problem is that no matter what the situation is, there will always be some ambulance chaser, blood sucking lawyer trying to make a name for himself/herself with pushing through ridiculous lawsuits – and since it seems the least educated, easily fooled jury prospects are precisely who gets to sit on the juries for these crazy lawsuits, and ultimately they are the ones awarding obscene damages. The result: one more business bites the dust! Gee, just what we need in a disappointing jobs market – loss of more jobs due to more businesses being unable to remain in business due to frivolous lawsuits and skyrocketing CGL premiums! Time to put the legal system on a diet – by restricting the number of lawyers going through law school and passing the bar.

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