Agents in N.J. Better Off Than in Other States, PIA Leader Tells Group

June 9, 2005

  • June 10, 2005 at 6:19 am
    rck says:
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    Better off than what. Bad is bad Mr. Latimer. The simple truth (if you want to focus on that key word) is simply this; the insurance industry controls every state in the union. Both judicial and the legislature. You have heard that before, I’m sure. â€Åâ€Ŕ Just follow the money”, follow the campaign contributions. Its all down hill from here.

    When major cities or D.A.’s review case after case and then realize the battle is going to be against one of the big insurance giants. It takes a midget brain and a mega second to realize they cannot outspend them. So, as a pursuer, you are politely told, you have a good case but we simply can’t afford the battle. Today they admit that; five or ten years ago, they didn’t. Your probably a fine man, but the rest of your presentation is rhetoric. Brokers have to be taught by someone and who might that be?

    No, the media is not misinformed and there are a lot of good minds laying in waiting. Just observe what the F.B.I. has recently announced. They too are digging into this industry.
    Finally, we know not everyone is bad and the majority is good. That’s what keeps us going or maybe this would make another great â€Åâ€Ŕreality T.V. series.” Heaven forbid.

    Rck Calif.

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