Conn. Bullying Lawsuit Settled

August 23, 2005

  • August 23, 2005 at 8:58 am
    Dotti Tyndell says:
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  • August 23, 2005 at 12:35 pm
    Susan says:
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    My heart goes out to that little girl for having to face that everyday. Nobody knows what torture some children endure on a daily basis. I just finished reading a book about Columbine that discussed the fact that Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold were also on the receiving end of endless bullying – look what it drove them to do! Hopefully, more schools will try a little harder to take it seriously!

  • August 24, 2005 at 7:39 am
    Roger says:
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    Our oldest child had a “Special” child grab at her (and other students) groin area in the 1st grade. Another tried shoving a candy wrapper down her mouth.

    The Principle and Vice-Principle had no problem with kids playing out in dust storms, or the New elementary school (Garriga Elementary, Port Isabel Texas) being built in the middle of a ship yard.
    (The high asthma rate at the school was some unexplainable mystery).

    Then parents get subtly and blatantly bullied when others are held accountable for their own professional “errors”.

    Not wanting our children to become “Special” somehow, inspired us to educate them at home.

    So far, so good. And no bullying.

  • August 24, 2005 at 9:26 am
    Bullied as a Child says:
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    Yep, I was the one they “picked on” as a kid. The kids were merciless and I was miserable. One kid was particulary brutal and my folks dealt directly with her folks and got that one kid somewhat under control.

    In today’s American culture where violence and dominance are glorified, kids naturally want to counted be among the “winners” and putting down other kids makes their victims “losers.”

  • August 29, 2005 at 10:01 am
    Concerned Mother says:
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    My daughter is having some hard times with mean malious girls. I feel they are bullying her. After one instance, my husband called one of the girls mother. The mother basically said girls will be girls and when she was that age she was a queen “B*tch”. I have no idea how to help my daughter, these girls are turning other girls and the boys against my daughter. What is a parent to do???

  • March 20, 2006 at 3:14 am
    Paula Bernstein says:
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    \”How large is the bullying problem\” you ask? Try this on for size. My daughter had attended after school day care at the same facility where she once attended preschool. Well, this one particular child had basically been \”bullying\” mine since preschool because she was so jealous of one of my daughter\’s other friendships. In the end it cost my daughter a friend that was more like a \”sister\” and it cost me one of my dearest friends because she refused to see any problem with this particular child. In several conversations with other parents from the same facility, they\’ve all agreed that the other child is nothing more than a \”bully\”. The afterschool daycare facility did nothing to counsel the children under their supervision as far as \”bullying\” or disciplining them. Indeed, at times when my daughter complained to those persons in authority, she came back to me and said all that the counselors said was \”oh, and what are you being a drama queen about today\”. There is a point where one\’s child is being overly dramatic about something, and then there\’s a point where being bullied for x number of years has it\’s breaking point. Needless to say, I\’ve removed my child from the program that she was in, and made other, more suitable arrangements for her afterschool care where she won\’t be bullied.

  • June 8, 2011 at 12:10 am
    iuytrewq says:
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    people if you are a bully who all ways bully people around that is not cool just stop it ! if you are doing this to be cool that is so not true like i mean it you will suffer someday and there are other ways to be cool!!! (just to let you know)

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