Court: No Insurance for Bouncers Who Beat Up Baltimore Bar Patrons

November 6, 2005

  • November 7, 2005 at 1:12 am
    Bigtipper says:
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    the employee (bouncer)\”grasped Lewis, lifted her from the floor and threw her through a set of doors onto the street,\” breaking her leg, according to the claim.

    Gee that sounds a mite excessive to me. Worked in plenty of bars in my earlier days and that kind of \”removal of a patron\” I have never seen.

    Well an A&B exclusion is an A&B exclusion and these things do hold up in court.

    Perhaps management should investigate alternative means of patron disposal other than throwing the person through the front door.

  • November 7, 2005 at 2:53 am
    Dalton says:
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    I had to use lots of force to clean that Roadhouse bar up in the late 80s, and it worked.

  • November 8, 2005 at 12:10 pm
    Movie Watcher Too says:
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    In the movies! Patrick Swazy also told \”Baby\”\’s father that he didn\’t knock up the \”abortion-go-bad\” girl as if that made sleeping with his daughter OK. In the movies, it did.

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