Me.’s Collins, Conn.’s Lieberman Push Tougher Chemical Plant Safety

December 22, 2005

  • December 27, 2005 at 12:58 pm
    Steve Escue says:
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    Ms. Collins and Mr. Lieberman need to get with the program. Where have they been for the past 4 years, asleep? Have they not heard of 33CFR105? I would challenge them to get their noses in the regs. and see what is already being done. I manage security at a large petro-chemical facility. We not only have had to do vulnerability assesments, security prepardness drills, and full scale security exercises but we also have to comply with the reg. I quoted. Ladies and gentlemen wake up on Capital Hill and see whats already being done. The security at most facilities is already better than it was 4 years ago.

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