Report Cites Mass. Employers with Workers in State Health Pools

By | February 3, 2006

  • February 3, 2006 at 1:21 am
    kenny says:
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    This just brings up the massive problems in our society with health care system access and costs. It amazes me that this huge issue doesn\’t get more attention and that our society has become so complacent that nothing gets fixed. No, the problem is not just with the employers and it shouldn\’t be their burden alone.

  • February 4, 2006 at 5:43 am
    Ted P. says:
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    There is plenty of money to pay for national health care at far more reasonal cost than present. Take all premiums paid for: Health Insurance, Auto BI, GL, Product Liability every component to pay for actual medical payments. Remove the duplicate payments in our legal system as well as multiple administrative charges that a single payer system could provide, the cost is not the problem. It is the political will. Look at the benefits, lower litigation, every person insured, lower manufacturing costs and business operations. How to pay? VAT on all goods and services. The current system has these charges in a hidden VAT that only some pay. This would also lower the cost of exported goods and make US manufacturing more competative.
    Who are the losers? Legal system, Insurance providers, TPA\’s, HR departments.
    The arguments thatwe would lose control over from whom we can secure treatment is bogus; our health insurance providers are doing that now. Anyone try to get an appointment with most of the docs\’ on a PPO list? Most are not taking new patients. How many hospitals are now available form a particular PPO or HMO? No one is talking about the coming crisis in the shortage of primary care physians. and the list goes on.

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