Md. Water Taxi Insurer Sues Coast Guard, Citing Too Many Passengers

February 21, 2006

  • February 22, 2006 at 8:14 am
    Responsible says:
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    How does the Coast Guard become the responsible party in this case? Isn\’t the captain responsible for evaluating the passenger load, not just taking tickets and clicking a passenger counter? The \”average\” passenger weight that the Coast Guard used in certifying takes into account that men, women, and children are in the mix. Because the mix in this case included no children, the average passengers weight in this case was heavier, and the captain needed to take that into account in loading his boat. I\’m sure he would have reduced his passenger count by at least three if he noticed that one of the passengers weighed 600 pounds. Why didn\’t he make a similar adjustment when he could see that all of his passengers were well above the coast guard\’s standard?

  • February 27, 2006 at 7:02 am
    Mark says:
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    HEY! Can the USCG sue the boaters when Coasties die trying to save their lives? Now here\’s an idea the Bar Association… opps, the jusisdprudence system can chew on….
    I\’m ashamed the insurance industry is jumping on the \”blame someone else\” bandwagon – but suppose it\’s inevitable as we\’re dealing the same gene pool as the plantiff\’s bar – and it\’s not a deep pool.

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