Conn. Lawmakers Try Again to Ban Open Liquor Containers in Cars

March 6, 2006

  • March 6, 2006 at 2:05 am
    VT says:
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    Why don\’t we just reinstate prohibition? I mean, in basically every state, it\’s already illegal to have a beer or glass of wine with dinner, then drive home. Whats wrong with an open container in a car if there is a sober driver behind the wheel?

  • March 7, 2006 at 7:41 am
    JW says:
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    It would be foolhardy to believe that open containers of alcohol in a vehicle don\’t increase the liklihood of drivers drinking while driving. Even it\’s passengers drinking and not the driver that creates sufficient distraction to be dangerous.

    As this is an insurance site, many of the visitors are well familiar with analyzing exposures that may lead to accidents.

    So the question becomes, does infringing on this freedom cause more harm than good? I ask you what is the necessity of having the open alcohol container? My response is that if imposing this law saves one life then it is worth losing this particular freedom.

    If failure to use a handsfree cell phone while driving is sufficient to impose a fine then why not open alcoholic beverages.

    The larger question is why can\’t CT lawmakers accomplish this where other States have? It\’s a disservice to their constituents both ethically and financially.

  • March 7, 2006 at 8:30 am
    VT says:
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    Key word is \”while driving.\” Drinking and driving is already illegal. You say a passenger with an open container is a distraction; A crying baby is a distraction, we don\’t fine parents for having them though. If someone is responsible enough to have a sober driver, there is no need to impose further legislation to limit their rights.

  • March 7, 2006 at 10:06 am
    dot_hemath says:
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    Right. This law might encourage the driver to FINISH the bottle BEFORE getting in the car and driving.

    And assuming, as is alleged in the case of the dope who killed the poor doctor\’s kids, that the driver was not drunk but \”distracted\”, then why only ban alcoholic drinks?

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