Driver, Citing Harm from Publicity, Sues Families of Vt. Crash Victims

May 30, 2006

  • May 31, 2006 at 12:39 pm
    Frivolous? YOU BET. says:
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    Who is the hell let a 14 year old without a DL drive in the first place? If he did it without permission or knowledge of others, that does not change anything-he was breaking the law-period. Regardless of what else may have caused the accident, he should NOT have been driving a vehicle and if he had not been, the crash would NOT have happened. This is a prime example of a suit that must be thrown out of court and the attorneys required to pay for all costs associated to do so-including the judges salary.

  • May 31, 2006 at 12:49 pm
    Fed up with Law Suits says:
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    I agree with you Frivolous? Until there is a deterent for these types of frivolous law suits, they will continue. The judge should throw them out of the courtroom. I am sick of the irresponsibility of people who then try to use the courts.

  • May 31, 2006 at 1:48 am
    Agent says:
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    Frivolous lawsuits should be dealt with by fining or suspending the attorney that is lame enough to file such a case! Hold the attorney responsible,that would stop the problem!

  • June 5, 2006 at 1:02 am
    Tort reform says:
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    In addition to letting her 14 year old son drive, if the mother had also let him slam back a 6 pack of brews, she could have sued Budweiser on top of everything else!

  • June 7, 2006 at 3:42 am
    Lawyer Greed takes over says:
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    All lawyers are greedy period. The young men\’s attorneys are both civil servants up for re-election as well as private practice lawyers. This has turned into a money issue because of lawyer greed. Let these children rest in peace. Let the healing continue. They cannot rest until lawyers have their hands out of kitty.

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