Maine Regulator Wake Receives National Award

December 12, 2006

The National Association of Insurance Commissioners presented Robert Wake, staff attorney for the Maine Bureau of Insurance, with the Robert Dineen Award, the association’s most prestigious individual honor.

Wake drafted the NAIC’s Market Analysis Handbook, a handbook that is the foundation for market analysis techniques being implemented by state insurance departments. Also, he provided legal counsel to the Interstate Compact National Standards Working Group on the preparation of bylaws, and he prepared the 2002 NAIC Report on Employee Leasing and Professional Employer Organizations.

Additionally, he served on several NAIC Working Groups and Task Forces, including the Professional Employer Organization Working Group, Reinsurance Task Force, Insurance Securitization Working Group, Special Joint Working Group on Hybrid Securities, Receivership and Liquidation Task Force, Large Deductible Study Implementation Working Group, Broker Issues Task Force, Workers Compensation Task Force, NAIC-IAIABC Working Group, as well as other projects such as the Health Insurance Regulatory Framework, Insurance Receivership Model Act and Federal Legislative Reviews.

Established in 1989 and named in honor of the founder of the NAIC’s Support and Services Office, the Robert Dineen Award is presented to an individual in recognition of his or her outstanding achievement as a career regulator. It is the highest individual honor bestowed by the NAIC.

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