Insurer to Investigate Vermont Diocese’s Handling of Priest Sex Abuse

January 17, 2007

  • January 17, 2007 at 2:42 am
    Gail Colby says:
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    I cannot believe how blind the public – especially Catholic followers – continue to be on this matter. I personally know someone who was abused by their priest (in another state) and the same situation applied – the Church knew this priest was abusing boys before they transferred him to several different parishes and it was at one of these parishes where my friend was abused.

  • January 18, 2007 at 8:34 am
    ML says:
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    I was raised Catholic and the church knew these things – heard they even send \”bad\” priests to New Mexico for rehab. What is the worst part is they hide behind banckruptcy or move to trusts so they don\’t show assets. Assets? The Vatican is full of priceless articles \”acquired\” during the crusades and wars. Look at the tax free proeprty they own and the gold coasts it is located in. They should not be allowed to hide their assets. Wonder what our Lord thinks of this – like the money changers in the temple!

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