Mass. Gov. Patrick Derails Romney’s High Risk Pool Changes

By David Weber | January 22, 2007

  • January 29, 2007 at 1:03 am
    S.R. says:
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    Most of this criticism of Romney is a thin disguise for anti-Mormon bigotry. Romney is a honorable man, and he\’s been a better friend to the Catholic church in MA than any other governor (most of whom have been Catholic). Words to remember: \”Mormons have served quietly and honorably in the House, Senate, Armed Forces, Judiciary, every federal agency, and most Presidential Administrations for 100 years. Those who would try to impute any disloyalty, dishonor or ineptitude to them for their religious beliefs degrade us all.\” — President Bush on criticism of Utah Gov. Mike Leavitt\’s appointment to the EPA. Anti-Mormons should keep this quote in mind when talking about whether Romney\’s religion should disqualify him for the Presidency.

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