Almost Half of Conn. Cell Phone Violators Let Off the Hook

February 14, 2007

  • February 14, 2007 at 1:55 am
    Thoroughly Disgusted says:
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    \”Food off people\’s tables,\” did I read this correctly? You\’ve got to be kidding me. What about the life some moron just snuffed out because they were on their cell phone trying to look important and ran into the vehicle in front of them, or worse yet the child in the crosswalk.
    Unbelieveable. I guess it\’s not the politicians, but the morons that voted for this guy.

  • February 15, 2007 at 8:50 am
    Extreme Right says:
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    Wow, I didn\’t know that you actually proved that cell phone usage with a \”hands free\” device was safer then without. Last I checked it made no difference whether or not you used a \”hands free\” device or not. Driving without headlights at midnight during a foggy snowstorm would only carry an $85 fine in CT, why $200 for not buying a \”hands free\” device?

    More importantly… the government has no business dictating to us how to live our lives. If using an ear-piece doesn\’t help with the reduction of accidents then this law is pointless. I believe that the officer who stated that $200 was too much isn\’t a bleeding heart liberal, but more likely a die hard conservative who knows that the government is overstepping it\’s grounds to begin with by interfering in our lives to the extent it has.

    In my opinion $1 is too much. (And no, I don\’t use a cell phone at all.)

    NO NEW LAWS – Just enforce the ones we already have and see what happens.

  • February 15, 2007 at 4:27 am
    Zealot says:
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    I concur and while we are at let\’s get rid of those other pesky laws for the vehicle like wearing seatbelts, child seats and speed limits. Our gov\’t is SO intrusive. Let\’s also remove the law that makes it a crime drink and drive as it\’s so inconvenient for people. Now if we can just convince people its]\’s okay to drive at night without headlights….

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