Mass. Employer Sentenced to Read Book for Lying About Work Safety

April 5, 2007

  • April 6, 2007 at 7:45 am
    Jewel says:
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    \”One of the issues before the DIA was whether Wood Technology provided its employees, including the injured worker, with safety glasses before he injured his eye in the 1998 accident.\”

    According to the facts shown in this article, this claim NEVER should have been denied. Work comp is no fault. Even if the guy was an idiot who didn\’t WANT to wear his safety goggles, it is nonetheless payable by work comp.

    Maybe Jim and Nameless (see thread about $10 million back injury) will read this and finally get it. I don\’t think insurance companies are always right. I never said I did either…

    Now, if he had been trying to recover from the employer under the employer\’s liability insurance, that\’s a SLIGHTLY different story. This guy was definitely jerked around and I hope those involved were punished accordingly.

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