Maryland Neighborhoods Embracing ‘Traffic Calming’ Bumps and Circles

April 24, 2007

  • April 24, 2007 at 1:53 am
    Circle challenges says:
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    Who wrote this article? I don\’t know one person who ever requested a circle be built to reduce speeding. Everyone I have ever spoken to about this topic absolutely hates traffic circles. In fact, they, along with traffic lights, only add to the congestion on our roads. There must be a better way to control speeding and improve traffic flow. Circles don\’t work. They only cause confusion.

  • April 24, 2007 at 2:12 am
    Look at your comments says:
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    Your comments are exactly what the traffic calming measures are supposed to do….
    make the traffic use the larger streets, not residential neighborhoods.

  • April 24, 2007 at 4:37 am
    Betty Crocker says:
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    I love the circles and bumps. It makes home living better and safer for my children. No worries now about some A-hole driving 65 on a residential street with his cell phone jammed in one ear, playing with his ipod and not paying attention. Pure bliss.

  • April 25, 2007 at 11:27 am
    Stat Guy says:
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    I, for one, prefer traffic circles because they keep traffic moving. There are several in Pennsylvania where the locals know how to use it but the tourists who don\’t are the ones who stop the flow. It\’s only those who don\’t like to follow the rules who jam up the circle: RULE NO 1, those already in the circle have the right of way; wait your turn. RULE NO 2, wait your turn but be ready. Traffic circles don\’t work anymore than MERGE if you don\’t follow the rules. By MERGE, I\’m talking about the idiot who goes down to the end of the entrance ramp and then stops, instead of getting up to moderate speed to find a place AFTER another vehicle. And there are those KIND souls who want to slow down a whole line of traffic to let some one get in the line….think of driving as a moving freight train…no cars are added to the train at the front or in the middle…it\’s single file, so get in line AT THE END OF THE LINE! Same goes for traffic circles.

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