Fearing 1st Amendment Lawsuit, N.H. Town Scraps Insurance Requirement

July 30, 2007

  • July 30, 2007 at 12:45 pm
    Patriot says:
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    Damn it! If the ACLU wants to run the country, come out into the light of day and let the world see them,,,for what they are. Enimies of this country.. But funded by the tax-payer! God helps us.

  • July 30, 2007 at 12:59 pm
    Common Sense says:
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    Towns would be better off collecting a user fee $250 for use of facilities than forcing insurance. We hear it all the time rising costs or exposure. Doesn’t the citizens of the town own the property and have rights to use it. ACLU terrorist, close, but maybe we are on to something

  • July 30, 2007 at 1:07 am
    Dawn says:
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    But the insurance would be to protect the city in the event that someone got hurt while this event was taking place. A city has a right to protect itself from an idiot that gets drunk and stupid and tries to blame the city for allowing him to be stupid.
    Or if a demonstration turns into a riot, guess what? The city would take the fall there, too. If they denied the permit on the grounds that there might be a situation, the ACLU would be the first in line to sue for discrimination. So the city HAS to allow it. The group that wants to hold the event should be made to protect the city in case something happens. And guess what? The ACLU would be the first ones in line to help sue the city if something did happen!

  • July 30, 2007 at 1:11 am
    jj says:
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    I’m with Dawn. Charge a fee for groups. But do not prevent individuals from using the grounds. Some cities have tried to do that.

    But I also agree with the Patriot.


  • July 30, 2007 at 1:32 am
    Patriot in NH says:
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    For info on the rally : http://www.concordmonitor.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?Date=20060827&Category=REPOSITORY&ArtNo=608270393&SectionCat=&Template=printart

    You are a terrorist by helping get the government off people’s backs??? Move to NH — Leave behind your nanny state with its seat belt laws and state income and/or sales taxes. The Free State Project people have !
    Live Free or Die

  • July 30, 2007 at 1:38 am
    Hurting says:
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    Did you know that atty fees that the ACLU generates defending “Civil Rights” are paid for by taxpayers? You and I.
    A cash cow for some attys who can’t make it in private practice.
    Taxpayers are being duped into paying these fees on an ongoing basis.

  • July 30, 2007 at 2:02 am
    Reagan says:
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    The ACLU are nothing more than communist thugs whos main goal is to have the country taken over by the “masses”. These masses do not include Joe Six-Pack, but rather then so called oppressed, at risk femi-nazi minority lesbian tree hugging pet marrying freak. At the “Live Free or Diwe rally, might I suggest that the ACLU choose the latter.

  • July 30, 2007 at 2:11 am
    Dawn says:
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    I’m sick of hearing those 4 letters down here. We had a law on the books requiring a ‘working knowledge’ of the English language in order to have a driver’s license. You can guess what the ACLU did to that law, right?
    Every illegal down here has more rights and more free money then we do thanks to them. (okay, make that ANY free money, since Americans that WORK don’t get any)
    They are busy little annoying beavers down here. Spending my tax money to decide who to give my tax money away to.
    I’m sorry, I thought ACLU stood for AMERICAN Civil Liberties. Guess I got confused.

  • July 30, 2007 at 2:41 am
    Mary B. says:
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    Ah come one now Patriot and Reagan. The ACLU supports the rights of your people as well; such as the NRA, the Neo-Nazi’s, the Minuteman and the KKK. The ACLU makes it safe so these people have a voice (just like you) too!!

  • July 30, 2007 at 3:22 am
    BlueMax says:
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    After all it is public property. What would be the result if the property was used without permission and the police were called and a riot ensued a..n..d people were injured by the police?

  • July 30, 2007 at 3:35 am
    Patriot says:
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    Please cite me one time the ACLU stood up for the likes of the NRA, Second Amendment Foundation, The church and this Country?

    They are pimple face, long haired F…..s,
    and could not find a real job where efforts in private practice would make them a dime. Let me be dictator for one year!!!! I could solve alot of our countries problems..

  • July 30, 2007 at 3:42 am
    Dawn says:
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    I have to agree with you, Patriot. The only thing the ACLU has done in Fla is try to make it mandatory for me to learn Spanish to go out in public and work my butt off so anyone who doesn’t have a green card gets better medical care then I do for free.
    Oh, and I forgot- they made it mandatory for the school system down here to hold 2 American English speaking children back so the other 27 non-English speaking children get their ‘civil rights’ enforced by ‘special tutoring’ in every classroom.

  • July 30, 2007 at 4:33 am
    Revolution says:
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    From all the spelling and grammatical errors, it appears the vast majority of you could have benefitted from an ACLU suit to hold you back in school until you learned something.
    As to your stated positions, I think you missed the point of the original story. The ACLU filed the suit on behalf of the Live Free or Die folks so they could have their meeting. Also, I believe in the 70s or 80s the ACLU filed suit on behalf of the American Nazi Party so they could march in Skokie, IL and they have defended the free speech rights of the KKK. This is American, everybody has a right to speak and I call for the end to the neo cons and the Bushies and their cronies before they do even more damage to this great country.

  • July 30, 2007 at 5:29 am
    Jack says:
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    Hey Revolution. Thanks for your common-sense. Apparently you must’ve passed your civics, government, and history courses. Bush has an MBA from Yale! After office, his mother might send him back to elementary school because the program “No Child Left Behind” was modeled after him. From reading the postings, there’s a strong appearance of “visceral” thinking. But that’s 16.67 to 25% of the population. Heck, they may not favor public views on the public square, but probably would sit right next to Vick as spectators for dog fights on public soil. They take this sort of thinking to the polls.

  • July 31, 2007 at 7:54 am
    Dawn says:
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    Are you an English teacher? Got a ruler handy to smack our knuckles for not performing up to your lofty standards?

    BTW- the ACLU did NOT file suit so they could have their meeting. The ACLU filed the suit so they could avoid the insurance to protect the city. The city never denied them the right to free speech. The city insisted that any group take responsibility by purchasing the appropriate coverage. THAT was the issue. NOT the meeting itself. But this way the group still gets to meet, and the city will have to pick up the tab.

    Seems YOU missed the point on this one.

  • July 31, 2007 at 1:40 am
    Anonymous says:
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    About The PBS&J Corporation
    PBS&J is an employee-owned firm that provides infrastructure planning, engineering, construction management, architecture, and program management services to public and private clients. The firm is ranked by Engineering News-Record as 22nd among the nation ‘s top consulting firms. PBS&J has 3,900 employees and more than 75 offices located throughout the United States and abroad. Locally, the firm has 475 employees in three Central Florida offices

  • July 31, 2007 at 2:51 am
    Anonymous says:
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    State Farm’s reputation would be further battered and, facing any jury drawn from the ranks of Mississippi’s hurricane victims, State Farm could easily “lose most of the cases,” Mr. Thompson said.

    Jury selection began yesterday in federal court in Gulfport for the first trial against State Farm over Katrina damage. That case, which was not part of the settlement talks, was filed by Norman and Genevieve Broussard. Only the foundation slab of their home in Biloxi remained after the hurricane. State Farm refused to pay their claim, saying all the damage was caused by floodwaters. Dam I did it again sorry

  • July 31, 2007 at 3:07 am
    Mary B. says:
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    Thanks Patriot but we already have one dictator running/ruining this country already already and we don’t need another dictator to make this country worse. The ACLU (while most of the time I hate them) is a necessary evil to have in light of the blatant evil that exists and prospers in this country.

  • July 31, 2007 at 3:07 am
    Ann says:
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    Dawn. Are you saying that “freedom of assembly for free speech purposes” must first be insured by the participants before any such “guaranteed right” takes place in a public park? Wonder if Paul Revere would have ridden his horse to warn us of the British if he had known that this “guaranteed right” would have to be purchased in the future? Do you think that he would’ve brought his galloping horse to a full-stop?

  • July 31, 2007 at 3:19 am
    DG says:
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    Dawn…I’m sorry, but can you please provide some details on “rights” that illegals have the you do not? Also, can you please explain this little remark..

    “…try to make it mandatory for me to learn Spanish to go out in public”

    Can you please give me the details about the lawsuit that would make you learn Spanish.

    Of course, if you’re just talking out your a$$, nevermind.

  • July 31, 2007 at 3:21 am
    Dawn says:
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    Back in Paul Revere’s time, if he’d brought his galloping horse to a stop and fallen off the horse, he wouldn’t have sued everybody from the bar, to the liquor maker, to the horse and whoever created that lumpy dirt road.
    Can you imagine the lawsuits that would have come out of the Boston Tea Party today? “I hurt my back chucking 100lbs of tea into the harbor, someone is going to PAY!”
    Sorry, I have a problem with my tax dollars going to clean up a mess that I had nothing to do with. Any festival, carnival, or such has to have coverage. They have to provide proof of insurance before they are allowed on the grounds. If anyone attending the rally trips on the curb, you can bet there will be a lawyer (Probably ACLU) standing there with a contingency form already filled out to sue the city.

  • July 31, 2007 at 3:29 am
    Dawn says:
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    Simple. Lawsuits have been filed down here stating that signs in English are discriminatory to the Non-English community. They must post English and Spanish. Yet if the sign is in Spanish, there is no sign in English required. A law requiring a working knowledge of the English language in order to obtain a driver’s license has been thrown out. A program to move non-English children to an English learning program in order to teach them English has been thrown out due to ‘discrimination’. So you have 26 kids, 8 speak English, but they have to sit around while the non -English are taught English. Fla schools are in the bottom 5 in the country – with Ca now.
    You want to go shopping or attend public school you better be Spanish speaking down here. So, to me, that makes it mandatory for me to speak Spanish in order to get anything done down here.

  • July 31, 2007 at 3:34 am
    Jack says:
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    Dawn. The public entities do require “insurance coverage for festivals, carnivals, AND OTHER MONEY GENERATING ACTIVITIES”. The public square is for public use. It not for “money generating purposes” or “for $$profit” special events. But if they are allowed to take place, then they must be insured. Municipalities carry insurance for proprietary and governmental functions. It would seem that “our enumerated freedoms” should be protected under governmental functions. That’s what we taxpayers support. If someone is hurt as a result of governmental negligence, we have forums for people like you and me to decide those issues. If we decide that someone must be compensated, it is because people deliberated over the matter.

  • July 31, 2007 at 3:47 am
    Juan says:
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    To Dawn. The first civilized language in the “New World” was Spanish. I do not hate English speaking people in this great, great, wonderful USA. Most every Spanish speaking person that I know, works very hard to improve ourselves and the USA. Yes, we buy insurance, appliances, homes, go to the movies, eat burgers (and tacos, too). I understand that Hispanics, as an Ethnic group, are the highest percentage of Medal of Honor winners. These things make me proud. It actually puffs me up. Maybe someday Dawn, people like you can be friends with people like me.

  • July 31, 2007 at 3:47 am
    DG says:
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    Oh please, when have you ever gone shopping and not been able to get what you want because the signage was only in Spanish? When have you ever been driving and not known where you are because the signage was in Spanish. Give me a break.

    As far as the schools go, the Spanish speaking isn’t required for your education. Does your child have math lessons in Spanish? I don’t think so.

    Exaggerate much?

  • August 1, 2007 at 9:11 am
    Dawn says:
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    Obviously, none of you live in S Fla. I have nothing against ‘Spanish speaking’. I have nothing against any Ethnic group. So twisting my words to turn me into some evil entity is pointless.
    I do feel that if you’re going to live in the US you should at least master a working ability to communicate in English. I do know how difficult English is – I don’t expect anyone learning English as a second language to become English professors. But to be able to go to a gas station store and ask the cashier where the cough drops are in English isn’t too much to ask, IMHO.
    Check the want ads online for S Fla. “Spanish speaking a must” is in roughly 45% of the ads. Some say Bilingual a must, but since the Bellsouth lawsuit, that’s frowned upon down here.
    And as far as exaggeration? Check the websites for schools down here. The school they want to send my son is 92% – yes, that’s 92%- I got it right off the webpage- are Spanish speaking- but 41% of them DO speak English as a second language. I have a lot of respect for anyone that can actually speak two languages. (I can’t, and will never visit a country where I’d have to try.)
    51% are below “English proficiency” which means very little to no English. And the school is rated a “D”. If you look at the prior years, teachers don’t stay. They can’t teach 51% of the student body English AND teach the ones that speak English at the same time.
    So here’s the question to you both. You have learned English and have taught your children. They go to school with 500 kids that have to be taught English from scratch. Your child fails the F-Cat because their class is still teaching those 51% basic English. Your child has to repeat the 1st, or 2nd, or 3rd grade because they have failed the minimum requirements. How do YOU feel? You took the time to learn English and made the effort to teach your children. Why should YOUR children suffer for the people that don’t want to be bothered? – And there are classes everywhere for anyone that wants to learn- THEY DON’T WANT TO.

  • August 1, 2007 at 9:17 am
    Patriot says:
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    Dear Dawn: Of course those that are screaching at you and me are the problem with this country. They would not recognize a problem until it blew their simple heads off or took their last dollar to support the law-breaking illegals..
    I support you and so does most of American,,,except the liberals that only know how to rant and rave. Involve them in a real discussion and their eyes cloud over and the begin the mindless attacks and spewing spit!
    You have a nice day..those that disagree,, go to hell.

  • August 1, 2007 at 9:34 am
    Dawn says:
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    You have a nice day, too, Patriot.
    What I don’t understand is the people that took the considerable time and effort to learn English actually defending the ones that can’t be bothered. That includes Juan. I’m assuming that he speaks Spanish from what he’s said on this board. So he’s spent a lot of time and effort to learn both languages fluently.
    If he wants his tax dollars to go to the ones that think they’re ‘above all that’, then he can pay the bill. He can pay my share, too. I’m over it.

  • August 1, 2007 at 1:40 am
    Mary B. says:
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    Sorry Juan but Dawn preferd to live and wallow in her own hate and all with her blinders on. Trust me Juan when I say you would not want to be friends with a person like Dawn (she’s ugly on the inside and out).

  • August 1, 2007 at 2:02 am
    Dawn says:
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    That’s a riot, Mary. When I agree with you, you think I’m the greatest. must be really lonely out there on your high moral ground today.

  • August 1, 2007 at 4:03 am
    Juan says:
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    The majority of people I’ve met and spoken with are not hateful of those that are unlike them. They are too busy earning a living. When I commented on my tax money supporting the “issue” in this ongoing argument about “Freedom of Speech and Gatherings” in public places, I was not referring to the education turmoil Dawn is experiencing. But Patriot appears as the kind of individual who gathers all the things that upset him with respect to the issue at hand and dove-tail them to the Spanish-speaking minorities causing them. There are people like that and I accept that I cannot change them anymore than the spots on a leopard. That’s beyond my pay grade. Nonetheless Florida and the entire U.S. Southwest was Spanish speaking before it changed to English speaking. That’s a fact. However, maybe Patriot’s solution of ethnic-cleansing may enlist people of such thinking and create a mono-lingual country that espouses freedom for all people. Or create a dividing line..say, East of the Mississippi River to include Florida as only English Speaking. The Southwest can enjoy Bilingual people. Write Congress about it. We are not here to eat their lunch. I worked on roofs on the hottest days recorded, worked in cotton fields during the summers and winters, sugar-beet fields, harvested allsorts of vegatables and never ever had an English speaking person next to me doing that work. If I took those jobs from Dawn and Patriot (whom runs counter to a bonifide U.S. patriot), all I can say is these punishing job(s)are available for them anytime. Just be careful, like I was, of E-coli laden Spinach fields.

  • August 2, 2007 at 8:37 am
    Dawn says:
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    There you go again, twisting my words. I stated that my issue is with the people that don’t want to speak English and expect me to learn Spanish.
    I have no problem with bilingual people, and, as a matter of fact, I did state that I have respect for someone that has mastered two languages, something I can’t do.
    And I NEVER said anything about ‘taking my job’. My husband in in construction- and he works with all different ethnic groups. I will tell you he works with the people that speak/understand at least a little English and has no use for the ones that can’t understand what they are needed to do. Regardless of what language they are speaking.
    My issue from the get go is that the ACLU has sued down here all over the place to ‘require’ special treatment for Spanish speaking only, but not English. IF they’re going to require English speaking to cater to Spanish, why not require Spanish to cater to English speaking as well. I think that’s fair.
    Doctors down here are being sued for not providing translators for EVERY different language down here. Not just Spanish. And if they say “I can’t treat you because you don’t speak English” they get sued for that as well. (I’m not talking ER doctors- I’m talking private practice)
    So if I go to a foreign doctor that refuses treatment or refuses a translator, I should be able to sue as well. Good luck with that one. I have to drive over an hour to take my son to his Autism doctor because the only one on our plan in our area doesn’t speak English. And yes, the one we go to is Hispanic, but she SPEAKS ENGLISH. She is a really good doctor, and I have no problem with her Ethnic group or the fact that she speaks Spanish as well.

  • August 2, 2007 at 12:00 pm
    juan says:
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    Dawn, just like R. Reagan used to say when he was a breathing individual, “there YOU go again”. I see your point though. So far as I know, the Spanish Speaking WANT TO LEARN English. It seems that it is the ENGLISH SPEAKING who do not want to learn the Spanish language. Sometimes I cannot communicate with Underwriters myself. It’s frustrating. Maybe we should all speak Pig-Latin or Gaelic. I know that out in California there are a lot of Asian business signs. Some are in Chinese, Japanese, Korean, or Vietnamese characters. Geez, like you, I wish I had the time to learn all these languages. In some German communities, the signs read in, you guessed it, German. Ever been to New York City? Try an Italian, Russian, or Cambodian restaurant. English is however the COMMON USA Language. And, really, that is what non-English speaker prefers. That’s the purpose of Bi-Lingual education. What is not liked is being socially-ostracized by the English speakers and those who practice racism. This country is going to be more powerful than any other, once that is understood. In the final analysis, it’s about money. There are billions of dollars to be exchanged in business dealings with folks who are not primarily English language speakers. So, Adios. Or, as the California Governor say’s, “Hasta la Vista”. Don’t want to include “baby” for fear of running afoul of being labeled “sexist”.

  • August 2, 2007 at 3:14 am
    jj says:
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    Juan, we all have to work together. I live in the midwest and work with all ethnic groups. But I have a problem when my child can’t get the help they need in school because there are no extra funds because we have catered to the illegals. I also get upset when my daughter who wants to be a teacher in the area that she grew up in and is told that if she doesn’t speak spanish, she can’t get a job. Her college is almost requiring spanish to graduate. My son can’t have help with his driving test, written, but non-english speaking can have help writing it. I think Dawn is saying that it is pretty much one way and from this area, I have to agree with her. English is the language of the land. I just returned from Africa and the country I was in has 72 different languages. but everyone learned english to communicate. we have people who have been here for over 20 years and complain that information is not in spanish. We all need to get along but it has to be a two way street.

  • August 2, 2007 at 3:40 am
    juan says:
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    JJ. Wow, English the language that the 72 different languages gravitate to in Africa. I know that I can go from Alaska to Punta del Fuego (Southern tip of South America) and speak Spanish. I can go worldwide and communicate in Spanish and English. I’ve read that the English language is dwindling worldwide. That’s why its news to hear how well it must work in the region of Africa you visited. America dollars I believe are good anywhere. With respect to the College requisite of a foreign language reqmnt, I know that the Southwest Colleges and Universities HAVE ALWAYS HAD THAT REQMNT. Since Mexico borders over a 1000 miles on the US Southwest flank, it has alway made sense to take Spanish to fulfill that rqmnt. Heck, most Jr. Hi and Hi Schools in this area have required it for graduation ever since I can remember. It is not unusual for Anglos in this part of the country to be Spanish fluent either from their association with Mexican-Americans, their maids, or from schooling. Just speak with George Strait the country singer. But, back to Africa, Do you think Africans might object to having to speak English as a matter of commerce as much as you object to learning Spanish as a matter of commerce?

  • August 3, 2007 at 8:14 am
    Dawn says:
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    I’m starting to think that Juan is pretty much on the ‘you must cater to me’ bandwagon as well. He sure likes to argue the so-called ‘point’ on why we should do what they want us to and shut up.
    The US does NOT recognize dual citizenship. Used to be that people that immigrated here were proud to become Americans and understood that American ONLY recognized the citizenship of the US. English is the language America speaks. Deal with it.
    Now they want to ‘hang out here’ waving whatever country flag they came from, speaking whatever language they brought with them, and the hell everyone else.

  • August 3, 2007 at 1:01 am
    juan says:
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    Dawn. Assuming that you’re a rational person, I will consider your thoughts as an aberation that needs treatment of some sort. Thus, I will not respond to your tantrum. Settle down. Take care of yourself and your family. Run for Congress. I’m sure there’s plenty of loonies that share your thoughts out there to get you elected. Pick cotton, thin sugar-beets with a short-hoe, harvest watermelons, work on comp and/or tin roofs on the hottest days of summer. Do something other than over exert your biological system. Enough is Enough. Seek help or run for Congress. Move to Colorado (a Spanish Worded State) and hold hand with that looney bird Trancredo whjo is running for President. Be a credit to society. Go to Irag or Afghanistan (probably misspelled) Stop twisting things around, concentrate on the “New Hampshire issue” and get a life. I wish you well.

  • August 3, 2007 at 1:43 am
    juan says:
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    jj. I applaud your ancestors. My brother after hand-to-hand combat as a Marine in ‘Nam, had to have 8 nurses hold him down after taking medication as he was being prepared for heart surgery. He’s had Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome since 1968. Won’t take a dime from the Gov Agency — the VA. We come fron a proud people. I am sure that yours does too. Europe however is across the pond thousands of miles away. Mexico borders the US within walking distance. If Zachary Taylor had his way, the US would border Panama but the US out of the kindest of it heart decided on California and to extend its border the Pacific Ocean. But your ancestor’s culture and way of living lies way the heck beyond London. It’s not like osmosis — where the US AND MEXICO’S BORDER ARE PERMEABLE. As a matter of fact, a great many US retirees are flocking into Mexico. I was in a bar in Mexico just recently and actually enjoyed hearing Anglo retirees belt out some really good Mariachi songs. These are good people. At any rate, you did not answer my question about the Africa English speakers. Meanwhile back at the ranch re: New Hampshire, do you think it possible to concentrate on that instead of making this The Lou Dobbs Show. Thanks.

  • August 3, 2007 at 1:49 am
    Dawn says:
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    Well, JJ, I guess Juan just proved our points. And we both even agreed with him on a few points- only to get blasted for it.
    Not to mention the fact that I mentioned Spanish because that’s the majority non-English language down here. I specifically stated that it’s all different languages. Yet he continued to throw how great Mexico was at us. I didn’t pick on what is apparently HIS country.
    The subject at hand was yet another lawsuit started by the ACLU that puts more burden on taxpayers- that’s US, not the ones the ACLU works for- the ones that TAKE our tax money.

    That’s what I live with day in and day out down here.

  • August 3, 2007 at 1:59 am
    juan says:
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    Hey Hackel and Jackel. Mexico is not my country. It is the USA. My family has served our country very well thank you. We’ve served in EVERY BRANCH OF THE ARMED FORCES. Funny how you scroudels are quick to link how you have to put up with us. JJ if you visit your ancestor’s mother counry does that make it your country? Dawn, get help and stop being foolish. I pay more in taxes that they two of you earn for a living if you must know. I am a taxpayer. If you don’t pay taxes to support our government, then that’s your business.

  • August 3, 2007 at 2:23 am
    Dawn says:
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    Since you’re the only one bringing up things that nobody has mentioned once on this board and you’re the only one calling names and hurling insults, all you are doing in proving our points for us.
    Keep going.

  • August 6, 2007 at 7:56 am
    Joe says:
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    Wow! An entire accademic course on hate-speach could be taught just by using the hate that’s evident in most of these emails. Thankfully, we have the ACLU to help protect the rights of minorities (be it race, religion, etc) against all of the prejudice, know-it-all people out there who think that their way of thinking should trump our constitution.

  • August 6, 2007 at 10:59 am
    ccc says:
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    Don’t most municipalities require insurance for groups that use their facilities?

    This could be far reaching.

  • August 6, 2007 at 11:14 am
    Al says:
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    “Heck, they may not favor public views on the public square, but probably would sit right next to Vick as spectators for dog fights on public soil. They take this sort of thinking to the polls.” -Jack

    Hey Jack, you would eat abortion leftovers and vote accordingly.

    Thanks for elevating the tone of debate.

  • August 6, 2007 at 11:23 am
    Al says:
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    “Nonetheless Florida and the entire U.S. Southwest was Spanish speaking before it changed to English speaking.” -Juan

    You’d think that winning that land as the spoils of war would be enough, but we PAID Mexico $14M for the SW AFTER winning the Mex-American war. Look it up. When we took control of it we honored all deeds, and there was no uprising to return to the benevolent rule of the Napoleanic Code. Had these lands stayed in Mexican hands, the locals would be swimming the Mississippi instead of the RIo Grande to get into Kansas and Arkansas to cut the grass.

    As for Florida, we just told Spain to beat it and they left. So what? Before that all Floridians spoke Seminole and Cherokee or whatever.

    From whom did Spain wrest the Iberian Peninsula? Everyone came from somewhere else if you go back far enough.

  • August 6, 2007 at 11:31 am
    All says:
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    Nothing has changed, the ACLU has the same stated goals as always and has never (as far as I’m aware) repudiated Roger Baldwin’s remarks below. If they have, I’d like to be directed to the primary source.

    “…if American champions of civil liberty could all think in terms of economic freedom as the goal of their labors, they too would accept ‘workers’ democracy’ as far superior to what the capitalist world offers to any but a small minority. Yes, and they would accept — regretfully, of course — the necessity of dictatorship while the job of reorganizing society on a socialist basis is being done.” -Roger Baldwin, Unitarian, Founding Director of the American Civil Liberties Union, Freedom in the USA and the USSR, 1934.

    “I am for socialism, disarmament, and ultimately for abolishing the State itself as an instrument of property, the abolition of the propertied class and sole control by those who produce wealth. Communism is the goal.” -Roger Baldwin, from his entry in his thirtieth anniversary Harvard University classbook, 1935.

  • August 6, 2007 at 3:16 am
    juan says:
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    Hey omni. I vote Democrat, Republican, Independent, and sometimes for the right woman. Reconquista? I drive an El Camino, Conquista, body by Fisher, Chevrolet. Does that satiate your ignorance. Stay with the Freedom of Speech issue.

  • August 6, 2007 at 4:06 am
    juan says:
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    Al…qaeda! Yep, you’re quite a dope alright fellar. Ever wonder why We had a difficult time defeating the Vietnamese and now the Arabs? It’s not like fighting Native American Braves, massacreing their old men, women and children. These other folks have weapons, real weapons. And man do they like people you! Mexicans are hardworking folks. Just recently in Minnesota, where the bridge collapsed, there was this one young Mexican-American hero who saved children’s lives off a school bus. Wonder if he plays with a Mariachi group. I know several youngsters who do not speak Spanish who do. Did you ever see the movie, “Yonder” where Emily Tyson “spit” on her white master’s food before serving it. Why don’t you just let the kind folks at La Tolteca know exactly how you feel about them. You might want to tell them they are only good for serving food, singing, and entertaining you; and, incapable of interpreting an insurance contact, nor apply the contractual wisdom of Williston or Corbin (That’s Restatement of Contracts 1 and 2).

  • August 8, 2007 at 1:31 am
    juan says:
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    al—qaeda. I really understand your ignorance. Really. I just can’t get myself to call you any “racist” epithets. That would be like joining you in the sewage-gutter where slobs exist. I was brought up to feel sorry for you, and, I do. Maybe it’s my Christian upbringing. You lack integrity and honor, bud. Now, do you think it’s possible for you to stop coiling up like a venomous snake and have time to use soap on your brain. If not, maybe we can order up the real American Eagle to pay you a visit. If you are confused, as you’ve aptly demonstrated, check out the Mexican Eagle on the Mexican Flag. Look at the snake caught on the Eagle’s claws. Adios to you and such similarly situated fools.

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