N.Y. Knicks’ Exec Facing $10 Million Harassment Suit

By | September 10, 2007

  • September 10, 2007 at 1:03 am
    Jack Mehoffer says:
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    I would better believe this article if the accuser’s first name was Andrew.

  • September 10, 2007 at 1:21 am
    Dick Stiffington says:
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    I wouldn’t believe this S.H. suit even if someone paid me to believe in it. What a bunch of B.S. Typical deep pockey money grubber.

  • September 10, 2007 at 2:11 am
    Claims Guy says:
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    Never saw this woman but I’d guess she’s an attractive female with big career amibitions beyond her paltry executive position with MSG. None of the allegations sound so aggregious to support a harassment claim. If she can’t run with the big dogs, she should stay on the porch. I can remember when harass was two words.

  • September 10, 2007 at 2:23 am
    Ken says:
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    Former pro ball player feeling up women? Naw, cant be!

    My favorite move is the unnessesary hug and kiss. Grab a little ***, pull her close to you so you can feel her breasts up against you. Awesome!!

    This guy is my hero. I told my son to try and get away with this stuff with the cheerleaders in highschool. Why not?

  • September 10, 2007 at 3:18 am
    claimsgal says:
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    It’s interesting to me that Mr. Thomas does admit that some of his actions might have been misconstrued. Men just don’t understand that ‘running with the big boys” doesn’t mean accepting improper behavior. Fortunately, most men never experience this type of harrassement. Unless you have been thru it , asked for it to stop and realized that it wasn’t going to because “the big boys” run the show, you can not understand how demeaning it is and how it affects you. Did he do it? I don’t know, is she looking for the deep pockets? I don’t know but I don’t dismiss the allegations just because he is who he is or because she is a woman that “might” be climbing up the ladder. Let’s get the facts first, then form an intelligent opinion.

  • September 10, 2007 at 3:23 am
    West Coast says:
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    Who cares about the Knicks?
    I can’t wait to see if the Warriors will survive the next season without J-Rich.

  • September 10, 2007 at 3:29 am
    EdR says:
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    ClaimsGal – If you believe professional basketball players and those who choose to hang around them will ever stop this type of comparatively harmless behavior, you probably still believe in the Easter Bunny.

  • September 10, 2007 at 3:36 am
    Easter Bunny says:
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    I don’t exist? Gasp….

  • September 10, 2007 at 4:29 am
    Jack Mehoffer says:
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    “Never saw this woman but I’d guess she’s an attractive female” Claims guy, did you not read the part about her being a pro basketball player?

  • September 10, 2007 at 4:44 am
    Nebraskan says:
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    I think you sorely missed claimsgal’s point.

  • September 11, 2007 at 9:15 am
    Susan B Anthony says:
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    Right on, Claimsgirl,

    I agree because I have been subject to harassment in the workplace. I just left also. If men would learn to control themselves and not get too familiar with people AND have controls in place where they make they are not alone with a member of the opposite sex and watch what they say then nothing can get misconstrued. How is anyone going to misinterpret telling a cheerleader to go and make the officials happy when draft picks in all sports are “made happy” by being introduced to prostitutes and/or some attractives females from certain schools to help players make a selection of where they will play — watch the Denzel Washington movie, “He Got Game”.

    Men need to wake up and realize that they would not want their DAUGHTERS, SISTERS, MOTHERS, etc treated like this. Whether these allegations are wrong or not, it’s still happening somewhere to someody and if a big fat lawsuit is what it takes to make men think with the right head then so be it!

  • September 11, 2007 at 10:15 am
    Jack Mehoffer says:
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    Come on with your jibberish! How can you cite a movie for your facts when movies are fantasy, some loosely based on fact. Let’s turn the tables for a second. Why do all the saleswomen for copiers and phones all wear low cut, revealing clothing when trying to make sales on cold calls? Why?
    Listening to you, why does any woman even try out to be a cheerleader knowing they have to dress up in little outfits showing legs and bosoms? Why?
    This whole allegation that Isiah made passes at this woman is probably made up because she won’t take the blame for her shortcomings on the job. Rumors have always circulated that Isiah plays for the “other team”, so unless this female basketball play looks like Bill Lambier, I personally doubt Isiah did anything to her and she simply cannot face the facts that she sucked at her job and got fired for it.

  • September 11, 2007 at 11:03 am
    Susan B Anthony says:
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    I don’t know of any salespeople wearing lowcut outfits unless you’re fantasizing about the Hooters waitresses. Your hair-brained retort is like saying women invite harassment, rape, etc if they are provocatively dressed. I wanted to be cheerleader and I believe if you have the skills, talent then flaunt it honey. Alot of cheerleaders are law abiding and productive members of society and for the money they get paid it has to be for love of their job, the attention or whatever but for me personally the money sucks therefore I wouldn’t do it. If your salepeople are wearing lowcut outfits then obviously their bosses are MEN and if you have to make a living then you take the job you have to then move on to something better QUICKLY or hold out at risk of demeaning yourself.

    Yeah, yeah we have ALL heard the rumors about Mr. Washington and as far as I’m concerned if I was gay then I’d take Steve Nash but that’s just my opinion. “LAMBEAR” needs eternal anger management classes.

    Also on the citing a movie part I could have made the post longer in citing family stories and my own spouse’s dealings but that movie really sticks out in my mind and my spouse says that pretty much the modus operandi.

  • September 11, 2007 at 1:02 am
    Nobody Important says:
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    I was at a hotel several years ago and passed through a medical equipment convention. I thought that it was a meeting of actresses or supermodels. Don’t be naive. Women sell products with their looks sometimes. I don’t condone sexual harassment anywhere, but lets be careful to get facts before just assuming that the accuser is always right. The Duke case should have taught us a lesson on assuming. Maybe we can get back to innocent until proven guilty, even for this type of crime. I have a daughter in the workplace and certainly want her protected, but I want all workers protected regardless of sex. Pro atheletes are the most spoiled children in the world and I don’t expect anything less than that the accusation is true, but it’s only an accusation at this point.

  • September 11, 2007 at 1:27 am
    Jack Mehoffer says:
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    Well said Nobody. Sex sells and that is why certain women choose to wear provacative clothing in the sales field. All things being equal, a guy decision maker will chose the hot female over the male salesperson all day; all things being equal. Isn’t it the opposite for a female decision maker?

  • September 11, 2007 at 2:32 am
    steve says:
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    Maybe you need to learn how to play with the big boys and get a thicker skin. Everything isn’t always about you or women in particular (so don’t be so egotistical). A sense of humour also helps. I have joked around with many women in the office about things of a sexaul nature and they laugh right along and can sound just like a “truck driver”. I guess it all depends on the maturity level of the woman and how secure she is in herself. It’s sucks to look, act and sound meek, too bad for you.

  • September 11, 2007 at 4:13 am
    Nebraskan says:
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    while i tend to generally agree with your comments that some people just need to grow thicker skin, at the same time, i don’t think others should have to lower their own personal standards just to appease the “good ol’ boys club.”

    i think if you and a coworker are comfortable with each other and can speak freely, then go for it. but if not, then keep your comments to yourself.

    in some ways, i don’t feel this should be so much about sexual harassment as it should be about handling yourself in a mature manner at the work place.

    if you can’t say it to your mama, don’t say it to the person in the cube next to you.

  • September 11, 2007 at 5:04 am
    steve says:
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    I whole-heartedly agree with you Nebraskan but their are many women out there just waiting to pounce on their chance to file a S.H. lawsuit with just one wrong look, glance, smile, word, etc. It appears to me many times these “victims” of S.H. are just not qualified for the job and they either quit or are terminated and instead of going out and finding a job they play whatever card that fits their status (be it gender, race, age, etc) and the file an meritless complaint.

    I have only worked in a corporate setting for about 15 years but I have never seen or heard any type of talk or action that (to me) would qualify as harrassment but I have a really thick skin and a sense of humor. I hate to say this but women have taken the fun out of working at the office but not my office thank goodness.

  • September 12, 2007 at 7:40 am
    Susan B Anthony says:
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    I am just so sorry that women have taken your fun away — it’s neanderthals like you that think that the workplace is your own private playground. Why don’t you “play” with your wife, spend time with the kids and work on your golf game instead of thinking that women are here your verbal and viewing pleasure. A woman may not tell you to your face that she is uncomfortable – especially if you are in a position of authority over her. I take quite alot of sexual jokes and jargon at my workplace and just tell my husband who says at his job any sexual remarks are not tolerated in any shape, form or fashion.

    Anyway, whatever you do in the dark will come to the light. So we will see how this lawsuit pans out. I hate to see these things come about and (1) old girl loses her nerves and drops the suit or (2) they were baseless in the first place.

  • September 12, 2007 at 9:35 am
    Nebraskan says:
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    I don’t think women have taken the fun out of the work place, i think it’s the prudes. please be careful with you finger pointing. for those PEOPLE (men and women alike) who have been harassed, i’m sure they weren’t having any fun at the expense of others.

    but i will say, you make me curious. i assume we are all professionals here and it somewhat bothers me that you being able to be sexual at work is of some importance. let me give you an example where i think people should just keep their mouths shut. i left for lunch one day to meet my boyfriend, when i came back, my co-worker (the new guy i was training) asked me how my “nooner” was. I by no means felt sexually harassed, but i was really put off by his comments. What I do in my free time is MY BUSINESS unless I offer it up to you. and in this case, I had not.

    and if this woman’s allegations turn out to be true it wasn’t just a bad joke being told. so please be aware of that.

  • September 12, 2007 at 9:52 am
    Nebraskan says:
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    in case your interested…


  • September 12, 2007 at 4:48 am
    steve says:
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    Well Nebraskan at least you have a sense of humor and thicker skin than Ms. Anthony aka Ms. Tightass. She obviously sucks the life out of the office and any and everybody she meets. She’s the perfect example of why an office would suck to work at. Never said I was sexual with anyone at the office. Not that is matters but i’m gay so i don’t run around hitting on women in the office or grabbing their ***. Never have and don’t use the office as my “private playground” like Ms. Tightass stated in her post and there is nothing wrong with having a fun environment at the office. I also never stated that ALL women ruin the office environment. Again Ms. Tightass of the prior post assumes and makes up stuff.

    With a lot of my female co-workers and clients I hug and give them a kiss on each cheek as a hello and good-bye and never have I had a complaint yet Ms. Tightass would scream sexual harrassment and it’s these little things that I am talking about.

  • September 12, 2007 at 5:31 am
    Nebraskan says:
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    I still think you are being unfair. if it is not unusual for your office to hug and kiss on the check, that’s YOUR office, not anyone else’s. if you went to another office where that may seem out of place would you procede to do it anyway? do you expect all other offices to be the same way?

    and i’m sorry, but the allegations made in this article go beyond a hug and a kiss on the check.

    come on steve, we can find some middle ground yet! :)

  • September 13, 2007 at 12:42 pm
    Nebraskan says:
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    i’m becoming comsumed by this case…lol…


  • September 13, 2007 at 4:24 am
    steve says:
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    Now I am really confused, not sure if you are Ms. Tightass or Ms. Homophobic. Either way I am glad I don’t know you and my life is all the better for it. You suck and that’s sad.

  • September 13, 2007 at 4:28 am
    steve says:
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    One last thing, giving someone a hug and a kiss on each cheek is certainly NOT feminine nor am I trying to be (I am a man and love being a man, nice dig at me though). This form of expression is practiced just about everywhere else in the civilized world except for the US. Maybe the US is civilized yet.

  • September 13, 2007 at 6:53 am
    Susan B Anthony says:
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    You can curse all you want to but since you revealed you are GAY then let me tell that if this was you being hit on by a woman or unattractive guy then YOU would have a problem and bring in GLAAD, Haven, The Advocate and everyone else to champion your rights being violated. My work environment does not control me. I just control my reaction to what is said and done around me and I go home and rest for the day.

    Anyway not all women air-kiss and hug each other everyday as a greeting at the workplace so stop trying to imitate us. Women run corporations, sit on boards and can roll with the big boys any time of day. I personally like to do this AND make sure my man is taken care of too.

    I don’t suck the life out of anything, I am positive and great things happen for me. If I have a bad day at home, I do not bring it to work. THAT would suck.

    Regardless of who is right or wrong — harassment is wrong whether committed by a man or woman and to make light of it and not think of how your actions can be miscontrued is a complaint waiting to happen. So sorry Steve, that’s the world we live in today and sometimes we make the simple into something harder when we have no regard for other people. Treat others like you would want to be treated. It sounds trite but is that so hard?

  • September 17, 2007 at 12:57 pm
    Does It Matter says:
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    Steve, you are a complete idiot. Good for you that you have thick skin but not everybody does and if you can’t understand when to keep your mouth shut then I guess we will soon be hearing about you defending yourself from a lawsuit. We’ll see how “thick-skined” the jury is. You are a complete waste of space.

  • September 17, 2007 at 1:07 am
    Pine Rider says:
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    Isaiah’s proved himself a total idiot when it comes to running this team and he’s a narcissist, so it wouldn’t surprise me if the allegations are true.

    Having said that, most women with two last names have something to prove and I bet she’s a bit more sensitive than the average employee.

    Isaiah’s stupidity wins out though-he claims she’s after the money. Truth is, it’s the money that makes him think every woman should say yes to him.

  • September 17, 2007 at 1:19 am
    Eric the Actor says:
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    Read on MSNBC an article stating that the Knicks should settle this. The Knicks are fighting this because they feel the woman is after a settlement. They quote that this is not the first time this woman has filed a harrassment suit. First was against IBM. Go Knicks!

  • September 17, 2007 at 3:11 am
    Joe says:
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    I thought this was a professional site to discuss and learn about insurance in regards to the day’s top news story’s. It’s become political and freakish. I can learn hate somewhere else.

  • September 18, 2007 at 11:07 am
    Anonymous says:
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    Girls, forget the lawsuits and hurt feelings. Next time some overbearing predator rubs a little to close, makes obscene gestures or comments, just yell at him as loud as possible while pointing your finger ” Get away from me before I call the police” Make lots of noise. Be prepared. Your co-workers will come and now everyone knows. Your employer will not terminate your employment for exposing the predator’s dirty little secrets. Make sure plenty of people hear you. It works, try it. Also, make sure his significant other hears of it at the Christmas party. Don’t threaten. Take Action! Everyone should teach your daughters to defend themselves against this type predator. Talk about before it happens.

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