Mapfre Cites Hispanic Insurance Market Potential Behind Commerce Acquisition

November 1, 2007

  • November 1, 2007 at 8:34 am
    Jason says:
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    I would really question the double standard statement. Insurance companies are already catering to English speaking clients. It appears that they will be focusing on the sales and service to the Hispanic community, which is most likely underserved…simple target marketing. (I’m sure they’ll let you buy a policy.)

  • November 1, 2007 at 1:48 am
    jay says:
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    Disgusting ! If we said we wanted to target English speaking clients OR only Red Houses we’d be shot! But it’s okay for them to state they want to target Hispanics! Sick.

  • November 1, 2007 at 6:18 am
    Mary Ann says:
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    Talk about double standards! How can they even get away with this. No one questions it? It appears only certain groups can get away with this. It’s just plain wrong.

  • November 2, 2007 at 11:15 am
    DLB says:
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    I think its a sorry state of affairs when in a country where English is the spoken language we have so many things in both English and Spanish. Why is it that the Hispanics can’t seem to function in English? The Italians, Germans, Swedish, Portugese, Asians, Greeks, Norwegians, Italians etc. all learned to function in English. I’m genuinely puzzled about this. You can’t tell me they’re too stupid to learn English – that’s rubbish. So are they too lazy? Rubbish as well?None of the other immigrants lost their culture because they learned to read and write and conduct business in English. None of their children had classes in their native tongue – the children learned English (and then taught the parents.) I’ve been to many a spanish speaking country and if you go there to live – YOU LEARN SPANISH! They don’t cater to those who move there (or are even tourists) who can’t or don’t bother to learn Spanish. If you immigrate to another country that doesn’t speak your language or have your customs – you need to learn to adapt without losing your own heritage – just like millions have done before them. Don’t try and re-make this country into the one you left, if it was so great why aren’t you still living there? And if it isn’t so great – you’ve CHOSEN to move to a different country – adapt. It can be done – it HAS been done by millions of others before them.

  • November 6, 2007 at 10:54 am
    Nan says:
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    I’d like to know how they were able to lock in a 20 year deal (Commerce & AAA) to provide group discounted policies. No other MA company can offer this discount, only Commerce? from outside America? Only in America….
    PS…my agency is on the border of Lawrence and my Spanish clients HAVE learned English over the years…

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