Pa. Senate Votes to Extend Doctors’ Malpractice Insurance Subsidy

December 13, 2007

  • December 14, 2007 at 7:48 am
    Dread says:
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    What the hell are these people thinking? Or are they? The issue is med mal PREMIUMS skyrocketing because of frivolous lawsuits. The insanity of this mess is that anytime anyone sues for med mal, they take a shotgun approach and name every medical provider who’s name they can find. Regardless of whether the case has no merit, eveyone named has to hire a defense attorney and it goes onto that medical professional’s record. The reform needs to address the root cause not the symptom. Problem is, the politicians would rather leave the system alone so their supporters can continue to belly up to the med mal trough and keep suing. I would like to see the medical community “strike” against plaintiff attorneys and refuse to treat them. Maybe then they’d make their point. Another altenative is have the plaintiff attorneys pay the med mal premiums from a fund that’s replenished by a % of their fees. Since they’re the only ones who benefit by suing doctors, let them pay for their profit source.

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