Mass. Accepts 8 Auto Insurers’ Rates; Reviews of Others Continuing

By | December 21, 2007

  • December 21, 2007 at 12:35 pm
    Jay McClain says:
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    What a shame. You mean to tell me that Commerce has to compete like everybody else. What a pity.

  • December 21, 2007 at 3:44 am
    Jeff says:
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    I think it is great that Commerce, Arbella etal- the companies that can’t figure out how to write business outside Mass; will lose market share because of their pricing. These companies are good at one thing, navigating the bizzare world of Massachusetts state regulation. Maybe now we will have companies that are actually good at providing good coverage at a good price dominate the market.

  • January 9, 2008 at 5:37 am
    Denise L. Perrault says:
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    It’s about time Massachusetts changes the insurance rate. Now they need to change the Merit Rating System,which is a scam. An accident is charged to consumer for 5 years. I was charged approx. $600 for an accident per year as a punishment for 6 years in addition to the yearly insurance coverate amount of about $1,000 for a 1993 Toyota Camry.

    I could have bought a new car for that amount. Additonally, when the step system was converted to a point system, I was charged again on top of the price they were charging me for the same accident that occurred in 2002. When I called Dave Beagan and sent him a complaint via email, he has not returned any of my calls, neither has Ed Charbaneau since July. I also called the Commissioner’s office and her secretary refused tonleave her my complaint not only about the insurance problem, but that the Division of Insurance refused to handle my complaint. Isn’t that what they get paid for.

    As an aside, Massachusetts Insureds are charged $50 if they want to appeal an accident. Isn’t an appeal a right? What happens to the people that can’t afford to pay the $50.

    Paying for a right is wrong.

    Massachusetts has the Commerce Insurance Company on their payroll. They pay Commerce who has a ‘Cares Van’ on Route 93 who are called by the State Police when a car breaks down.

    Isn’t this a conflict of interest?

    Big Business, we gotta watch what is going on as consumers.

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